327703 Transformer Pad 40x45x4 Single Phase (25-167KVA), 327704 Transformer Pad 56x50x4 Single Phase, 327707Transformer Pad 75x60x7 3 Phase (75-500KVA), 327712 Transformer Pad 87x82x7 3 Phase (750-2500KVA), 2001315 Transformer Pad 40x45x4 1 Phase (25-50KVA), 2001316 Transformer Pad 52x44x4 1 Phase (75-250KVA), 2001317 Transformer Pad 66 x 74 x 4 3 Phase URD Transformer, 2001318 Transformer Pad 60 x 50 x 30 3 Phase 200 AMP DFSG, 2001319 Transformer Pad 75 x 86 x 36 3 Phase 600 AMP SG, 2001323 Transformer Pad 96 x 96 x 6 3 Phase URD Transformer, 2001324 Transformer Pad 96 x 76 x 6 3 Phase URD Transformer, 2001325 Transformer Pad 60 x 39 x 4 200A/600A SG Pad, 2117010 Transformer Pad 100 x 96 x 6 3 Phase URD transformer, Home 54 0 obj Duke 3 Phase transformer pits ( fit under the matching pad). A Self-Application Statement: The material contained in the documents which are referenced, or linked, within thisdocument is consistent in content and application to those requirements used by Entergy Transmission for connecting Entergy and Entergy Affiliated new or modified generation, new or modified transmission, and new or modified end-user facilities. Custom sized pads for all transformer specifications. D09AJM01.CDR, Large Flat Pad and Pit Pad- Mecklenburg County Only See Note 2 94 Welded Wire Fabric (6 x 6) W2 x W2 Maintain 2 cover from the top of the concrete. g!f7 d45 Ac7*`$*} ;rcLu$PA3pyZ^W'>'~I$Nki 'm*B\.[KCWs`JtkM/pd>&X.urZuK6{?A"6{*d7XAFfB~Vyr-=nnlE7zYSle"h76v7MES> ~a U;JLaXVI^n{rmVpj01-pzUyMufx\+VJi;te$T48c"\IKh'Wcv_(zpV6v{y|ABszXN,{F~_vY|4zxb?+|%c3b)(C? From small stabilizing pads to large transformer foundations, Oldcastle Infrastructure equipment pads are durable and convenient foundations for your equipment needs. 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation - Duke Energy. While browsing our products, select Add to Quote Generator to quickly get an estimate for everything you need. Duke Energy Foundation The Duke Energy Foundation's annual giving totals more than $30 million. SERC Reliability Corporation (SERC)Guideline: Facility Interconnection Requirements Guidelines (SERC regional supplement to the NERC Reliability Standard FAC-001). Looking for a quote for your project? /ID [<710359578FB8FD449D2DA95B02165FFC><42352D43352D30462D39382D38422D44>] 0000011547 00000 n Mac Requires macOS 11.0 or later and a Mac with Apple M1 chip or later. EG }u[$_:]D g endstream RH0pm-o/O(;M?~4ytU_/~uKgoap~XjU>]giaknxl6ZO/Fnij~{?>o*x
Y[0YQ~ T,/T2_*p(|T Listed below are instructions for building a transformer pad on site. Because the SERC Supplement, Key Reference #2, contains more detailed requirements and has assembled them in a manner different from the NERC Standard, Entergy has chosen to format and address the text and spreadsheet documents in the order presented in the SERC Supplement. Any size and location to fit your equipment needs. Duke Energy Corporation Size 31.9 MB Category Business Compatibility iPhone Requires iOS 14.0 or later. 3) Pit Pad Only 4) Cover bottom of pit with 6 of gravel. Save big when you buy directly from the manufacturer. Full Construction Standards Division 00 - Procurement and Contracting Requirements Division 01 - General Requirements Division 02 - Existing Conditions Division 03 - Concrete Division 04 - Masonry Division 05 - Metals Division 06 - Wood, Plastics, and Composites Division 07 - Thermal and Moisture Protection Division 08 - Openings Our new online service request capability walks you through the process, auto-populates saved information from your profile, and gives you more control over when and where you submit your service order. Specs & Guides Material: Concrete. Looking for a quote for your project? 4905 Stough Road . This list is not all inclusive of the standards Advanced Energy may reference in an MV audit, but serves as a guide to help navigate the standards. Note: The preferred method for installing customer's "secondary" conduits is shown. Flat Pad and Pit Pad Application and Construction The information contained in this document has been prepared to assist both Duke Energy personnel and Duke Energy customers in the application and construction of foundations for all 3-phase padmount transformers. Call for pricing. Access to documents that are deemed confidential is available to parties with a need to know who agree to abide by and sign appropriate confidentiality agreements. Generally, the SMALL pad is used for transformers rated 300 KVA and below, and the LARGE pad is used for transformers rated 500 KVA and above. 55 and 55/65C average winding rise. x[rGCL!r_e-mvv4%(X$k~ 'CrfUn>^(-t5{3|Zm])F9_rFMp. 5. In cases where there are 3 secondary conductors per phase or fewer AND the conductors are less than or equal to 400 MCM, a flat pad may be considered. Distances are from the pad or transformer whichever is closer to the building or opening. Customer is to contact Duke Energy to inspect pad forms and dimensions prior to concrete being poured 2. Often being constructed in less than a day, these pads are readily available for immediate installation without waiting for curing like pour-in-place alternatives. 0000017234 00000 n 0000017686 00000 n Order Form. Downloads. We will reach out soon to confirm order details, delivery details and price. Order Status Key Reference #2 therefore can be compared side-by-side to Entergys main text and spreadsheet documents. 1. 0000017488 00000 n (Example: 500 MCM Copper, 600 volt insulated, four (4) conductors per phase.) 3. (Refer to the Padmount Clearance Standard for minimum distances from sides and back of concrete. Customer must be specific regarding 4-wire (grounded-wye) and 3-wire ("floatingwye") deliveries. The Duke Energy project coordinator will make the final decision whether it is permissible to use a "flat pad." Magazine: 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation - Duke Energy. Click on photo to view larger. Custom sized pads for all transformer specifications. DEC-Enterprise Wide 02-Poles, Guys and Anchors Many of the standards in the following subsections are applicable: Scholarship Weight: Downloads. Sitemap, 1419 Alexandria Pike, While browsing our products, select Add to Quote Generator to quickly get an estimate for everything you need. 6. 0000015853 00000 n Duke Small Transformer Pad 6682x6" Duke Large Transformer Pad 98104x6" Concrete Transformer Pads. Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information, Offers a simple rugged design for a strong foundation. Concrete Mix Specifications 1. Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana & Texas. Looking for a quote for your project? Additionally, the SERC Supplement, Key Reference #2 is applicable to both the FERC functional entity Transmission Owner and Applicable Generator Owner. Add to Quote Generator. xref <>
0000016773 00000 n Listed by: mwrublewski. Read about how we use cookies and how you can control them by visiting our Cookie Statement. Barrier must extend to the walls of the pit, from the top of the pad to the bottom of the pit and its top level must be level with the top of pad. 2. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! 0000017815 00000 n Generation facilities, transmission facilities, and electric end-user facilities connected to Entergy within the SERC Region shall be required to remain in compliance with all applicable NERC Reliability Standards and SERC Supplements. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. 0000009766 00000 n Barrier must extend to the walls of the pit, from the top of the pad to the bottom of the pit and its top level must be level with the top of pad. M-F 7:00-4:00. 0000016891 00000 n Overview From small stabilizing pads to large transformer foundations, Oldcaslte Infrastructure equipment pads are durable and convenient foundations for your equipment needs. PADMOUNT EQUIPMENT INSTALLED AT INTERSECTIONS. %%EOF endobj Wall mount current transformer cabinets are available in several sizes and configurations ranging from 400 amps to 1200 amps. Get started Our Company We power the lives of our customers and the vitality of our communities. (There may be some rare exceptions.) 0000001290 00000 n Spec. startxref 0000001473 00000 n %PDF-1.4 |G~/},AXWf=\#A@-iR_C~T.ut^n;d9w+&(?7R{[d0m~L,Zc=(R9> [ChGHr|3J%0_}%@-\gc[ {Xo1$=rSqCvF:y(v6z]-zWDCG(TV+L0Y\om ]*\vRjUwX;_wBN\\%yI_^sAsB%>-PK;3j})d!!htz1ZP@jOE&u>Zg!mTvY961Xa7PgZ>Vtm-d[XfGt. Call for pricing. Click to make image larger. There shall be a minimum clearance of 10' from the front of the concrete pad to any walls, machinery, or other obstacles. In cases where there are 3 secondary conductors per phase or fewer AND the conductors are less than or equal to 400 MCM, a "flat pad" may be considered. Hours. For 3-wire deliveries, a single grounding conductor (maximum size 1/0) from the customer shall be connected to the copper grounding ring in the transformer compartment, and the ground strap must be completely disconnected from the X0 bushing. Contact 0000017567 00000 n positioning of transformer should be at least 1 ft. higher than pad mount transformer. If you continue to use this site, you consent to the use of cookies. Often being constructed in less than a day, these pads are readily available for immediate installation without waiting for curing like pour-in-place alternatives. 14 - 24 #4 Reinforcing Bars 6 min (Note 3) (Primary) See Note 5 (Secondary) 18 36 26 2 12 See Note 2 Duke Energy 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation Specifications July 2009 6 70 18 6 See Note 2 94 10 Feet (Drawing Not To Scale) LARGE FLAT PAD & PIT PAD DIMENSIONS 94 94 WIDE LONG 1) Pad to be a Minimum of 5 - 1/2 Thick 2) Shaded area around pad indicates minimum clearance from obstructions. These standards also require those entities seeking to add facilities or connect to the interconnected transmission system to comply with the following documents and standards: Duke Energy Midwest Facility Connection Requirements document; the NERC Reliability Standards, RF Daytona, Ormond, Seminole County, Orange County, Flagler, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Tampa, Miami, Clearwater, Melbourne, Cocoa, Florida Keys. little space in the secondary compartment of the transformer to accommodate excess cable. With Duke Energy's Builder Portal, you have the tools you need to get it done, right at your fingertips. List Price About Our Cabinets EMI, Inc. manufactures current transformer cabinets that meet the specific requirements of many utilities. This scope of the facilities covered are: Generation facilities Transmission facilities End-user facilities (only those connecting at or above 69 kV). 0000013715 00000 n 52 46 ENTERGY CONTACTS FOR CONNECTION and/or CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Initial contact for interconnections should be made to Entergys Transmission Project Development group, either to the Manager or to a local representative. From small stabilizing pads to large transformer foundations, Oldcaslte Infrastructure equipment pads are durable and convenient foundations for your equipment needs. Duke Energy 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation Specifications July 2009 1, Customer Responsibilities (continued) 4. Why Trenwa {@.W 0000006958 00000 n Read about how we use cookies and how you can control them by visiting our Cookie Statement. 1 0 obj<>
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& 1500, 2000, 2500 15 service r 01/18/2023 at 10:44 ET / ETR $107.32 0.41 Copyright West LLC. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, personalize content, and serve targeted advertisements. << /Linearized 1 /L 287793 /H [ 1473 256 ] /O 56 /E 17898 /N 10 /T 286629 >> Products NOTES: 1. The Duke Energy Progress Distribution Construction Standards consist of the following . 82x85 Duke Energy Pad. endobj Any size and location to fit your equipment needs. A 4-wire delivery requires the X0 bushing to be grounded, and a 3-wire delivery requires that the X0 bushing be completely disconnected from ground. 53 0 obj . News/Blog nsM7}a0W]hn6r{+zK_\RHR1Yc5jbj]J Entergy Facilities Connection Requirements Document, Reference Section 5.2. (except for some very large universities) and retail facilities are served by distribution lines. clearance from curb to transformer pad of eight (8) feet, to accommodate (clear) the rear overhang of a truck trailer. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . While browsing our products, select Add to Quote Generator to quickly get an estimate for everything you need. endobj 8285-Pit-Box-Pad-1.pdf. 4905 Stough Road Concord, NC Phone (704) 788-4050. (Refer to the Padmount Clearance Standard for minimum distances from sides and back of concrete. In either case, the customer is responsible for assuring the pad is manufactured to the requirements provided in this specification. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. xc```a``=wA Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! From small stabilizing pads to large transformer foundations, Oldcaslte Infrastructure equipment pads are durable and convenient foundations for your equipment needs. Read about how we use cookies and how you can control them by visiting our Cookie Statement. In addition, these facilities shall comply with all reporting requirements as specified by the NERC Reliability Standards, SERC Supplements, interconnection agreements, and other applicable standards, contracts and documents. Employment Opportunities Fort Thomas, KY 41075. Location Available. Delivery available to several southern states: Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana & Texas. 56 0 obj 0000012789 00000 n PDF: Secondary-Bus-48x66x24.pdf. 0000000016 00000 n Call (305) 764-1136 with any order questions. This information is intended to provide . XX>W 0000001729 00000 n DUKE ENERGY Location of Mineral Oil-Filled Padmount Transformers Outdoors Near Buildings and Equipment Mecklenburg County - 1/29/2009 . 0000011706 00000 n 0000016250 00000 n Thank you for you inquiry! 0000016206 00000 n Single phase pad mount transformers and three phase mini-pad mount transformers, two primary and three secondary voltage classes with capacity ranges from 25kVA to 250kVA, five different . >> Hours. . l&([-%s"YxpO- @ )/[7g-&;E,//FL@2p0G(0(4190q0m'x?H`` ) Delayed 15 Minutes, System Planning and Requests for Proposals, https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliability%20Standards/FAC-001-3.pdf, https://www.serc1.org/program-areas/standards-regional-criteria/regional-criteria-and-guidelines, Entergy Facilities Connection Spreadsheet, Interconnection and Operating Guides for Inverter Based Resources, Voltage level and MW and MVAR capacity or demand at POI, Voltage, Reactive Power and power factor control, Operational issues (abnormal frequency and voltages), Inspection requirements for existing or new Facilities, Communications and procedures during normal and emergency operating conditions. When a transformer is installed in a vault, the customer shall install a 1" metering conduit from the secondary compartment of the pit pad to the metering location as specified by Duke Energy. The thickness of all walls on the "pit pad" shall be a minimum of 5 - 1/2 thick. 0000016600 00000 n :-p]^b}ap?nB5IRL+TQs Read about how we use cookies and how you can control them by visiting our Cookie Statement. 0000016934 00000 n If the customer's switchgear is at a level below the padmount transformer location, special arrangements must be made to prevent water from entering the customer's switchgear through the customer's conduits. Location Available. Other Required Statements: Entergys Facility Connection Requirements comply with all applicable codes, standards, federal and state regulations, environmental regulations, siting requirements, contracts, operating agreements, and FERC tariff requirements. Customer shall install the conduit for the primary conductors (as specified for pit pad installations only) as close to the center of the "primary" area as practical. If the building has an overhang, the distance is measured from the outside edge of the EXPECTED REVISIONS NERC Standards and SERC Guidelines are periodically reviewed and updated or retired. For documents that are listed as confidential see the note and contact listed in the previous section titled, ENTERGY CONTACTS FOR CONNECTION and/or CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS. endobj We operate out of Eustis, FL. Product Availability. 9T83C2572 - Photo of nameplate included in listing. M-F 7:00-4:00. iPad Requires iPadOS 14.0 or later. outside the "clear line of sight triangle". 5*L9K\,ppC?% 0+~!"a:,#U_2ke98=vY4Rw0];Pd&|sEd[9q6>cog2fnA/65vj?QJM O gx5fANv|Z(7L]:z"wki.V/ $9]d9!A JdE}=g(.:UG#PaLA|rD )SfZNG`)W/a~cGn_M^@nl/})\2PD@4eVxee/?z2xNWkC?m\QA_
() oe;ZCxYohwx_XX[CnA@whG,)U_9KG Cxbc-% y|(M3leY6|i%QLM4!a (These two conditions cannot be met using a single transformer.) Additional costs will incur for shipping and handling. The Entergy name and logo are registered service marks of Entergy Corporation and may not be used without the express, written consent of Entergy Corporation. Click on part number for drawing. Numerous additional sizes available. %PDF-1.3
All padmount equipment shall be placed in the P.U.E. The dimensions shall be in accordance with the specifications based on the transformer KVA size. You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. Add to . 11-2 Secondary connectors single-phase URD pad-mount transformer. /Info 50 0 R >window, door or open i ng max. 0000016162 00000 n Outdoor Lighting Our turnkey solutions make it easy, efficient and affordable. YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Link:https://www.nerc.com/pa/Stand/Reliability%20Standards/FAC-001-3.pdf, #2. . 0000005673 00000 n 0000014678 00000 n 0000016425 00000 n Our Transformer Pads are made of steel reinforced 5,000 psi concrete and are designed to support various standard size transformers as indicated by the dimensions on the drawings. VG8~cVpH{#GIYSmj
,/({{ li?9}b&-l`K. You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. Duke Energy Transformer Pads. 0000017159 00000 n Are you sure you want to delete your template? . 0000016118 00000 n 14 - 24 #4 Reinforcing Bars 6 min (Note 3) (Primary) See Note 5 (Secondary) 12 34 22 2 12 See Note 2 1) Pad to be a Minimum of 5 - 1/2 Thick 2) Shaded area around pad indicates minimum clearance from obstructions. Special metering and grounding considerations may need to be considered for each of these deliveries. 0000015649 00000 n Customer shall supply the concrete mix (as shown in the concrete mix specifications), welded wire fabric, #4 reinforcing bars, and shall pour the "flat pad" or "pit pad". BROAD APPLICABILITY OF FAC-001-3 & THE SERC SUPPLEMENT REQUIREMENTS: The Generation reader should be aware that NERC Standard FAC-001-3 is applicable to both the FERC functional entity Transmission Owner and Applicable Generator Owner as written in section 4.1. D09AJM02.CDR. 0000017009 00000 n 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation Specifications. o 27.00 Pad-Mounted Transformers- General o 27.01 Grounding o 27.02 Fusing Type II insulating mineral oil. 8. PDF: 9696-PIT-Divider-2.pdf. KEY REFERENCES (Non-Entergy): #1. Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm, Palm Beach, Miami, Naples, and Ft. Myers. . Small Flat Pad and Pit Pad- Mecklenburg County Only See Note 2 82 Welded Wire Fabric (6 x 6) W2 x W2 Maintain 2 cover from the top of the concrete. Consider a LARGE pad in applications where the number of customer conduits/conductors exceeds the window opening restrictions of the SMALL pad, and when load growth and/or a transformer change-out to a larger size is anticipated. /Size 98 /Prev 286620 12-26 Pad-mounted secondary cabinet (3 of 3) Spec. Please describe your custom order. Our Transformer Pads are made of steel reinforced 5,000 psi concrete and are designed to support various standard size transformers as indicated by the dimensions on the drawings. Access to the Contractor Portal requires username and . 0000016643 00000 n 8=3b3@HWGp6aI" 6gFXFU#:gwc*0b4ARVA="b\!ieOy$tH,j@
Ivfg:u$ZE#*'J1[u'HIa0vWyN\)ieZBueG(@B_$`)>lUQ9@y'rzy&+GC)-1d2y7P#0)%Y>Z(*="l^[v(Ay, 0000011860 00000 n Location Available. Transformer Pad 40x45x4 Single Phase (25-167KVA), Transformer Pad 40x45x4 1 Phase (25-50KVA), Transformer Pad 52x44x4 1 Phase (75-250KVA), Transformer Pad 60 x 39 x 4 200A/600A SG Pad, Transformer Pad 75x60x7 3 Phase (75-500KVA), Transformer Pad 87x82x7 3 Phase (750-2500KVA), Transformer Pad 66 x 74 x 4 3 Phase URD Transformer, Transformer Pad 96 x 76 x 6 3 Phase URD Transformer, Transformer Pad 96 x 96 x 6 3 Phase URD Transformer, Transformer Pad 100 x 96 x 6 3 Phase URD transformer. 0000016048 00000 n . Product Availability. GE 37.5 KVA Dry Transformer - Never Used Catalog No. If there are multiple transformers or secondary bus enclosures involved in the installation, there shall be a minimum clearance of 3 feet between all padmount equipment. Employee Login 0000016469 00000 n We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, personalize content, and serve targeted advertisements. The Duke Energy project coordinator will make the final decision whether it is permissible to use a flat pad. A separate secondary bus enclosure is required whenever the customer is installing more than ten (10) 600 MCM or smaller conductors per phase, or more than eight (8) conductors per phase that are larger than 600 MCM. Duke Energy. Send us your complete form, then well give you a call to confirm the order & delivery details. 0000016816 00000 n o 11.09 Transformer-Rated Metering, Primary, Three-Phase o 11.11 Transformer-Rated Metering, Primary, Three-Phase - UG . Entergy information sources regarding the topics listed below which are covered in subsection 2 are cataloged in the Excel document. Call us if you dont see what youre looking for, we make custom sized pads as well. 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation - Duke Energy. Precast concrete pads for Duke Energy small and large transformer pads. From small stabilizing pads to large transformer foundations, Oldcaslte Infrastructure equipment pads are durable and convenient foundations for your equipment needs. This information is intended to provide clear distinctions between the responsibilities of Duke Energy and of the customer. Overview From small stabilizing pads to large transformer foundations, Oldcastle Infrastructure equipment pads are durable and convenient foundations for your equipment needs. Pad-Mounted Transformers Optional Features & Accessories Broad selection of design efficiencies to meet specific customer applications and the new DOE efficiency requirements. 0000017353 00000 n 12-26 Pad-mounted secondary cabinet (2 of 3) Spec. Spec. No part of this web page may be reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of Duke Energy Corporation - Asset Recovery. 52 0 obj Location . Click on part number for drawing. 0000016294 00000 n Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information, Offers a simple rugged design for a strong foundation. Languages English Age Rating 4+ Copyright 2022 Duke Energy Corporation Price Free App Support We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, personalize content, and serve targeted advertisements. Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information, Offers a simple rugged design for a strong foundation. The Pit Pad is preferred for all 3-phase padmount installations. 55 0 obj 57 0 obj The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standard and its companion SERC Reliability Corporation (SERC, which was formerly named the Southeast Electric Reliability Council) Supplement referenced above as Key References #1 and #2 require Entergy, as a Transmission Owner, to publish facility interconnection requirements. View . (ft) 7. Duke Energy 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation Specifications July 2009 2. Dimensions LxWxD inches. Register for the portal today. 82"x85" Duke . Transmission consists of lines and facilities operated at or above the transmission voltage level of 69 kV (69,000 Volts). 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation - Duke Energy. 13-17 Minimum space requirements for flammable liquid filled pad-mounted transformer in indoor vault enclosed barriers if locked should be accessible at all times with key furnished to pepco. Often being constructed in less than a day, these pads are readily available for immediate installation without waiting for curing like pour-in-place alternatives. 0 HOW TO FOLLOW ENTERGYS COMPLIANCE WITH FAC-001-3 & THE SERC SUPPLEMENT THERETO Entergy has prepared this web site, a text document and a spreadsheet which fulfill the requirements of Key References #1 and #2. Concrete mix used for Transformer Pads shall meet the following requirements: Minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi Maximum water / cement ratio of 0.50 Maximum slump of 4 inches Entergy will maintain this website as needed. North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Standard FAC-001-3. 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation - Duke Read more about transformer, concrete, padmount, secondary, specifications and conductors. <>>>/CropBox[0 0 612 792]/Rotate 0/VP[<>]/Subtype/RL/A[<>]/Type/Measure/R( )/D[<>]>>/Type/Viewport>>]/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 49 0 R/Type/Page/Contents[62 0 R 61 0 R 60 0 R 59 0 R 58 0 R 57 0 R 68 0 R 67 0 R]>>
Duke Energy facilities or modifying existing Duke Energy facilities. 0000004177 00000 n An alternative method is for the customer's conduit to be installed in the side of the pit. Duke Energy 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation Specifications July 2009 5 61 17 6 See Note 2 84 10 Feet (Drawing Not To Scale) SMALL FLAT PAD & PIT PAD DIMENSIONS 82 84 WIDE LONG 5) Barrier required for pit pad only. If you continue to use this site, you consent to the use of cookies. <>stream
Entergy Transmission reserves the right to take such actions as deemed necessary to ensure the reliability of the interconnected transmission system. uq)JJ?:bJ=s=e`VcRiAR9-'1lc[m" jk:cU
vZF}Drl"M6?wjp6jv=G G(\BA3_#};mJVc?=me_fj~l| \Dy stream trailer << 48x66 Secondary Bus Pad - Duke Energy. This will ensure that the proper dimensions are used for the concrete transformer foundation. Bulk Discounts Available. Looking for a quote for your project? If you continue to use this site, you consent to the use of cookies. Click on photo to view larger. 0000016686 00000 n Specs & Guides Material: Concrete. Any size and location to fit your equipment needs. HWM6W{C=Njv?M*>$-o\%P>Rktl/'^7A_6C.&^1~;fX8g&)ftY,n3&g Link:https://www.serc1.org/program-areas/standards-regional-criteria/regional-criteria-and-guidelines, SCOPE This web site and the documents it refers to serve as a reference to parties (Connecting Customers) that are either considering connecting to or modifying facilities that are already connected to the Entergy Transmission system. Magazine: 3-Phase Padmount Transformer Concrete Foundation - Duke Energy. Reference Section 5.1. PDF: 8285-FlatPad-Submittal.pdf. <> The transformer KVA Size is to be specified by Duke Energy. Product Availability. Product Availability. Any size and location to fit your equipment needs. Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information, Offers a simple rugged design for a strong foundation. While browsing our products, select Add to Quote Generator to quickly get an estimate for everything you need. 24-Pad and Pull Boxes o 24.01 Transformer Pads o FMO Drawings 24.01-11 Pour in Place Transformer Pads 24.01-12 Pour in Place Transformer Pads From small stabilizing pads to large transformer foundations, Oldcaslte Infrastructure equipment pads are durable and convenient foundations for your equipment needs. 0000017278 00000 n The "primary" conduit(s) and the customer's "secondary" conduits shall be cut to meet the dimensions as shown. 9696-Pit-Box-Pad-1.pdf. See how we're building a smarter, cleaner, more reliable energy future. 7. 50 Hz. ORGANIZATION OF INFORMATION The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standard and its companion SERC Reliability Corporation (SERC, which was formerly named the Southeast Electric Reliability Council) Supplement referenced above as Key References #1 and #2 require Entergy, as a Transmission Owner, to publish facility interconnection requirements. iPod touch Requires iOS 14.0 or later. PE0010U: NV Energy PADMOUNTED EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS & CLEARANCES . 10 minimum from front of concrete.) July 2009 Flat Pad and Pit Pad Application and Construction The information contained in this document has been prepared to assist both Duke Energy personnel and Duke Energy customers in the application and construction of foundations for all 3-phase padmount transformers. Dimensions LxWxD inches. % Refer to the Padmount Building Clearance Standard for the minimum allowable distance between transformer pads and buildings, building openings and equipment. Transformer Pad 40x45x4 Single Phase (25-167KVA) . High-fire point fluid, such as silicone, hydrocarbon or vegetable fluids. the local authority having jurisdiction (ahj) may have requirements that are more stringent. Duke 3 Phase transformer pads Duke Small Pad 8266 Duke Large Pad 10498 Are you sure you want to delete your template? Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. The Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) Distribution Construction Standards are available on the My Duke Energy Contractor Portal. endobj Customer shall inform Duke Energy of the number, size, and type of secondary conductors that will be installed. Impact Study Requirements and Provisions for Future Changes A description of Entergys procedures for study of new facilities and their impacts on the interconnected transmission system and provisions for future changes are contained in the document. 10 minimum from front of concrete.) 0000001429 00000 n 0000016338 00000 n 5) Barrier required for pit pad only. We'll follow up with a phone call to confirm everything. If you continue to use this site, you consent to the use of cookies. 0000002098 00000 n In most cases, regardless of the KVA rating, the air compartment of all currently purchased transformers should cover the entire window opening of either pad. it windows (first story) 10 10 of window, door, etc. Duke Energy is a sustainable electric and gas company whose regulated operations serve 7.2 million U.S. customers in the Southeast and Midwest. Catalogs 1998-2023 Entergy Corporation, All Rights Reserved. However, in all cases, it is critical to maintain an open dialog between Duke Energy and the customer regarding conductor quantities, conduit sizes and locations, connections, and electrical load requirements. /Root 53 0 R From small stabilizing pads to large transformer foundations, Oldcaslte Infrastructure equipment pads are durable and convenient foundations for your equipment needs. Often being constructed in less than a day, these pads are readily available for immediate installation without waiting for curing like pour-in-place alternatives. We make concrete pads for Duke Energy Transformers and other various sizes. 3) Pit Pad Only 4) Cover bottom of pit with 6 of gravel. A pad-mounted transformer is usually used to step the voltage down to 480/277 volts or 208/120 volts . Energy's experience, are frequently applicable to utility scale solar farms. pad-mounted transformer may require alternate means of fire protection including fire barriers, fire rated walls, oil 9. clearances listed are duke energy minimum requirements. EN. jz/ zW6;M&l VPC 7:jtyS&_~7U
1&Kk' # ducts transformer sizes space 75, 150, 300, 500 for 500, 750, 1000, 1500 4 pr!. Call for Bulk Pricing. 12-26 Pad-mounted secondary cabinet (1 of 3) Spec. 0000008346 00000 n 0000017611 00000 n Note: 4-wire deliveries and 3-wire deliveries SHALL NOT be provided from the same transformer. 4905 Stough Road Concord, NC Phone (704) 788-4050. Read CaverManager, Transmission Project DevelopmentProject Management & Constructionccaver@entergy.com504-576-5506. . This web site and the documents it links to and confidential documents it refers to are designed to fulfill the publication requirements and provide access to the facility connection requirements. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, personalize content, and serve targeted advertisements. Product Features 400 through 800 amp applications designed for bar type transformers 801 through 1200 amp applications designed for . Customer Responsibilities The customer may choose to construct the transformer pad on site or purchase a prefabricated unit from a manufacturer. 0000016556 00000 n
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