Easy.Easy, boy.Easy. Owen opens the gate and rushes inside to save him. Maybe it's in the rec room. The hybrid gets tossed like a ragdoll near the lagoon, and she roars, and so does Rexy and Blue, but the mosasaurus pounces out, dragging her into the water. The other computer screens arranged around the room begin beeping in alarm and they all show the same words. The boarding ramps have Jurassic World logos on them. CLAIRE(into the phone)Yeah. Nothing's gettingin here, right? VIVIANThis is control, put out a park-wide alert-. [He ushers Gray along as they head to the plane. CLAIREWell, guest satisfaction is steady. His voice gets cut off when the sphere dies. CLAIRE(to Masrani)Is he okay? He adjusts one of the toy dinosaurs that is slightly out of place. GRAY: ( Softly, scared. They go to the windows. HOSKINSOoh!You ever open them up,see what they can do? HOSKINS: We've got anevolving situation here. Everything is fine. It performs a scan of the jungle. On the other side we see the raptors staring at Leon. The Ride is a water ride based on the Jurassic Park movie franchise at Universal Studios Hollywood . CLAIRE(smirking)Not according to our focus groups. He pats the boy's shoulder. ], [He hugs her. LOWERYYeah, six kids in the lost and found, uh, 28 down with heat stroke, and some--. ANNOUNCERLadies and gentlemen,due to a containment anomalyall guests must takeshelter immediately.Ladies and gentlemen,due to a containment anomalyall guests must takeshelter immediately.Ladies and gentlemen,due to a containment anomalyall guests must takeshelter immediately. CLAIREOkay. She roars at Blue. GRAY:Did you know ? LOWERYI mean, you do understand these are actual animals, right? Rexy roars in pain as the Indominus begins to kill her, but Blue comes to the rescue! CLAIRE(yelling into her phone)Somebody talk to me! And I imprint on them when they're born. BARRY ( To Owen, )They've never been out of containment.It's crazy. Now they have fourteen herbivores and six carnivores. CLAIREThere was a sibling in case this one didn't survive infancy. Uh, track their footprints? Suddenly, the jaws snap down, grabbing Nick and lifting him up out of view. His room is filled with dinosaur and monster movie toys and posters. Something isn't quite right. ZARAI don't knowI've been looking everywhere for them.It's just been quite a while. Claire screams, turning the van on and driving off. Jurassic World exists to remind us how very small we are. Then, they drop her into the water. VIVIAN ( Sobbing, )We have a breach in the Aviary. but they are not. She handles twenty-thousand people a day. She pounces on the hybrid, and Rexy stands, knocking her into a building. PARK ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Innovation Center, where technology meets prehistory. They abruptly pull to a halt. They don't recognize her. Lowery answers it. HOSKINSHell, no.We had an unshakeablebond, you know?Just like you andWhat's his name? A story is truly memorable if people are constantly quoting it in pop culture. They both hug. That is damn good. To a man, he asked, )Are you recording this thing? Owen appears on his motorcycle. With or without you boys. [1] Contents 1 Ride 2 Prehistoric Creatures 3 Gallery They hear a growl outside. Gray shoves Zach in excitement while Zach is staring at a picture on his phone of his girlfriend. SIMON MASRANI:You are to cease all activities here immediately. the big fierce reptile of the sea thunders out of the water and snaps its jaw onto the Great-White dragging it under the water within lagoon and sending a pool of water over the audience. In response, a 3-D representation of MR. DNA appears onscreen. Rexy is seen stomping on the old helicopter pad. CLAIREHe's scared.It's okay to lie when people are scared. HOSKINSNo, it ain't, kid.But somebody's gotta make surethat this company has a future.Imagine,that one,a fraction of the size,deadly, intelligent,able to hide from the mostadvanced military technology.A living weapon unlikeanything we've ever seen.You seeMillions of years of evolution,what did we learn?Nature is the gift that justShit! ], [In his room, GRAY MITCHELL is looking at slides of dinosaurs on his View Master toy. He isn't paying attention. Jurassic World: The Ride. Does This Dino Make Jurassic World Look Big? MASRANI: ( To the officers, ) Come on!Look alive, boys!Look alive! The interior of the building is a flurry of activity. We can't just kill it! We have always filled gaps in the genome with the DNA of other animals. ( While in the Gyrosphere, )GRAY: Drive! Jurassic Park: The Ride is a water-based amusement ride based on the Steven Spielberg 1993 film Jurassic Park and Michael Crichton's 1990 novel of the same name which the film is based on located at Universal's Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Florida and Universal Studios Japan in Osaka.It was formerly located at Universal Studios Hollywood in Universal City, California, where it was turned . Owen places a hand over her mouth, and quickly shushes her. Claire sees Zach's broken smashes phone, and walks over. This one's for you. Claire gets aboard and sits in the backseat. We should schedule play dates? HOSKINS, ( Sarcastically, ) Looks like the foxgot in the henhouse. On the park map, a blinking red dot indicates trouble in the Restricted Area. The only positive relationship this animal has is with that crane. Owen is now talking with the InGen soldiers, explaining the mission. The very existence of this park is predicated on our ability to handle incidents like this. BARRYThat's the new one!They said we lost two guys! Jurassic World - The Ride. To all units.This is a non-lethal operation. Supervisor Nick is sitting at his desk on his lunch break, munching a sandwich. Our first genetically modified hybrid. CLAIRE(annoyed)Didn't it occur to you maybe that's in poor taste? CLAIRESweetheart, you will,okay? They've got all the ballparks. OWEN: ( Gentle and comforting, )Hey, hey.I know, I know.It's all right.All right, girl. CLAIREWe're up two and a half percent over last year, a bit lower than our initial projections--. He screams. She looks down at the Raptors, and begins to make noises that a raptor would make, speaking to Blue. Progress always wins, man. Claire gasps as suddenly the aircraft lifts up awkwardly into the air. [They enter a part of the lab closed to visitors. Claire looks towards a large screen, and sees Owen Grady aruging with a security guard.OWEN It replaces the Jurassic Park: The Ride that was open from 1996-2018. The fallen dino stands, and bellows towards her foe. The girls get into the GyroSphere and drive away. Suddenly, the Indominus Rex appears. MASRANINever mind.He's likely caught up in the evacuation. At least she knows that means food. OWEN: ( Whispering, )That thing's part Raptor. (pointing to the crane)And you feed it with that? Claire nods to herself, and runs off, with the flare. The instructor jerks, startled, finally losing his cool, as Masrani, imitating the bird's cawing sound, swings abruptly right to avoid colliding with the animal. Drive! The boys watch, confused. Delta! ZACHYou think it's out there?I mean, I know for a fact it isdefinitely not out there, all right?We're totally safe.Here, go take this.You're stronger than me.All right. VIVIANHey.They said we had to evacuate.There's a boat.You coming? LOWERY: Why do you have to make it personal? CLAIRE: But consumers want them bigger. Rexy and Blue share a respectful look, before Rexy leaves. Jurassic World: The Ride is a refurbished version of the Jurassic Park: The Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood themed to Jurassic World. They arrive to a waterfall, and they both freeze. VIVIANYou're sure there's nobodyelse who can fly a helicopter? Owen Grady. CLAIREThat must've been, what? Zach ignores what Gray says and flirts with a girl further in the row. CLAIREOh, I am fully aware they're alive. Yeah, it's pretty amazing. OWENWe know that sheis in sector five.This is a game we call hide-and-seek.It's a scent drill.We've done it about a thousandtimes with these animals.When they get on target,and they will get on target,wait to engage.Velociraptors are pack hunters.They like to herdthe animal into a kill zone.That's when we take our shot.Get a clear shot,wait on my command,and give her everything you got.We got one good target, gentlemen.Do not shoot my Raptors.Please. [NEW] UPDATED VERSION Jurassic World: The Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood, CA - October 2022Full POV | Front Seat Experience | Daytime RideThe Ride is a . The ride is full of surprises and is sure to get your heart racing. HOSKINS: Good. The rebranded and upgraded Jurassic . [She looks at her wristwatch. Twenty years ago, de-extinction was right up there with magic. CLAIRELowery, we're headed your way.Call in a chopper. OWEN( Into his mic. ) ANNOUNCER: as one-hundred trillion tons of TNT. Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times. Both officers share amused looks, with slight smirks. You think that the eighth richest man in the world is only into oil, telecom, and family fun parks? The closing chapter in the Jurassic World trilogy marks the sixth movie in the larger franchise Steven Spielberg first hatched back in 1993, sidling up to sci-fi sagas like Star Wars and Marvel's MCU when it comes to multi-movie staying power. A PARK ANNOUNCER's voice is heard over a P.A. Having finished eating Nick, Indominus now approaches the crane and crouches down on all fours, sniffing. OWENPut 12 amps in these animals, they're never gonnatrust me again. VIVIANWell, the Pachys short out their implants when they butt heads. ], [She grins at his apparent inability to tell her he loves her. Without that, we end up with places like this, charge seven bucks a soda. Owen tames Blue again. Menu. It's the green button. The Mitchells are saying goodbye to their sons at the gate to get on the plane. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Survival Guide, The Science Of Jurassic Park And The Lost World Or, How To Build A Dinosaur, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfZwU24LWIA. MASRANI(dismissive)Oh, he's just being dramatic. However, we then tiltup to reveal the foot is actually that of an ordinary bird. He doesn't seem concerned, although Owen is already glancing around, suddenly uneasy. Hey! The four humans run away, with Owen shooting at the Indominus. Besides them he's the only one present. CLAIREHi! She roars back. It's grown-up time. War is a struggle. The door begins to slowly close as Owen runs towards it, with the huge predator gaining on him from behind. $17.18 . Easy.Easy. It was opened in summer 2019. Transit to the jungle, where the team have dismounted their vehicles and proceeded on foot to the I rex. PERSON ON THE OTHER END KAREN: Take care of your brother, answer your phone. Get caught in the fray as she's confronted by her archrival, the Tyrannosaurus rex, in an epic battle for the ages. CLAIREThat paddock is four miles from the closest attraction. Just do it, man. OWENJust relax.It's just like taking astroll through the woods.65 million years ago. )So then what should we do?What do you suggest we do? Do you think I'm the oneyou need to be worried about right now?Back off! GRAY1992 Jeep WranglerSahara, Sand Beige. The hug lasts a little too long. Blood splatters on the walls. By the rear door of the paddock, we can see numerous deep scratch marks in the concrete going up very high. Masrani, Lowery and Vivian listen to Ellis' screams over the radio. He has the hood of his jacket up over his head and his headphones blasting music into his ears.]. ], [The boys disembark from the ship along with the other passengers. I was starting to think I hired the wrong guys, but, damn, you got them eating out of your palm. He just wants to teach people some humility. She walks over to the flight up steps leading up to the observation tower. VIVIANSir, I can't geta hold of your instructor. GREYLook. )We're safe in here, right?Zach: ( Reassuring, )Yeah. OWENAnd what kind of a diet doesn't allow tequila? LOWERYThat's a bad idea.The board assigned emergency opsto iNGen's privatesecurity division.This guy Hoskins is in charge.And he has this insane plan to usethe Raptors to hunt the Indominus. We close in on the Mosasaurus Arena, Almost more than a thousand visitors sit in the audience. I'm just worriedyou're not gettingthe full JurassicWorld experience. The bleachers begin to move downwards. They walk over to one of the windows. In the control room, the personnel watch as the chaos ensues. We see the outline of a large theropod dinosaur with white skin moving through the fronds, but Indominus Rex doesn't fully emerge. )Okay.Okay, okay.You're okay. It is a spin-off of the Jurassic Park films, with its premise revolving around being given a boat tour of a now-completed Jurassic Park and first seeing herbivorous dinosaurs like Ultrasaurus and Stegosaurus . ACU: Attention Aviary employees,there has been a containment breach. Zach!Gray!My God! Claire isn't getting it, seeming bemused and still mildly annoyed. With Owen and the boys, the hybrid's claw gets stuck in Gray's fanny strap. .. Jurassic Park River Adventure, or Jurassic Park: The Ride, as it is also known, is a boat-based attraction at all of the Universal Studios parks. Claire leads Masrani into the paddock's observation room, a large control room with computers and enormous windows overlooking the interior of the enclosure. Shit. He sees an Allosaurus fighting a Triceratops, then two Ray Harryhausen-animated Ceratosaurs fighting in a scene from The Animal World. He laughs, and so does Gray. [The investors listen intently, exchanging looks.]. Everyone screams and runs, trying to get their families to safety as the dangerous dinosaurs come flying towards them. I don't know. These are wild animals, Hoskins. Go! OWENWho prints out an itinerary for a night out?! GRAY: CLAIREOkay.I'm going to close everythingnorth of the resort.This is a Phase One, real world.Bring everyone in. ANNOUNCERLadies and gentlemen,we'd like to thank you for your patience.The next ferry will beleaving in 45 minutes.If you requireimmediate medical attention,please report to the nearesthealth service station. Noticing the dinosaur hasn't emerged from the jungle to eat the meat, Claire leans over and taps on the glass. The dinos knock them around, running away. ], [The brothers are seated side by side in the lead car of the train running along the monorail. She walks around the left side as Nick, mustering his courage, peers around the right front bumper. You guys can'tjust be walking up in HOSKINSSimon Masrani'sdeath was a tragedy.The new mission is to preventfurther loss of life. New INDOMINUS REX! Blue looks back at Owen, and chitters. Nick screams and runs through the door. Global news coverage. The Jurassic Park screenplay is full of fun, memorable lines that also serve the story well. Workers rush around in a wild panic, trying to escape, as Indominus gets halfway through before the door closes on her. In the low nineties. VIVIAN(frantic)It's in the cage! Zach, listen to me.I need you to (turns to Vivian)Are there any Gyrospheresleft in the Valley? CLAIRESecurity said the invisible fences were a no-fail. Noise fills the attraction with cheering and clapping. Owen dismisses her, clearly annoyed once more. KARENYou were supposed tocall me when you landed.Are you having fun? MASRANI(interrupting, dismissive)Ah, enough about costs! The tracking device indicates on the map that the dinosaur is still in Paddock 11. OWENYou made a genetic hybrid,raised it in captivity.She is seeing all ofthis for the first time.She does not evenknow what she is.She will killeverything that moves. You might want to change your shirt, there very sensitive to smell. the ride is closed. ], [The boys push open the double doors and enter. And they're hackable. LOWERYClaire, I'm telling you, she's in the cage! Karen is going over the plane ticket with Gray.]. CLAIREThe lab delivers us new assets and we show them to public. Our shareholders have been patient, but let's be honest, no one's impressed by a dinosaur anymore. And Hammond won't be there to protect you this time! You should hear a four year old try to say "Archaeornithomimus.". We shouldn't be here.And there's five dinosaurs. She gasps, but kisses back anyway. She shoots it multiple times, before helping Owen up. It's chaotic. With her foot, Claire nudges a trash can over. Share | Add to Watchlist. The boys don't respond. Barry fumbles with his walkie talkie, and places it to his mouth, talking into it. Henry Wu sees people in the tourist hallway and recognisesSimon Masrani looking at him. And I am Claire. The original Jurassic Park: The Ride, which operated from June 21, 1996, to September 3, 2018, underwent a major refurbishment and reopened as Jurassic World: The Ride. I understand people died. Oh, but wedo own them. Jurassic World: The Ride [1] is a dark ride / water ride attraction that is themed to the Jurassic World series at Universal Studios Hollywood. When everything goes horribly wrong, will our heroes make it off the island? CLAIRE: ( Annoyed and angry. CLAIREWe planned to open in May, but Asset Containment insisted we build the walls up higher. CLAIREI appreciate that, but the reality of operating a theme park is that it requires--. KAREN: I'm so jealous. It was terrible, but(gushing again)That first park was legit! You haven't been around long enough.They've always been that way.They get mail fromtwo different lawyers. Jurassic Park Script Takeaway #2 Jurassic Park quotes are memorable. Hold offon that live feed. My nephews are here. She stomps away angrily. ( He reaches over, grabbing Lowery's drink. Announcements over the P.A. Climb aboard the famed Hogwarts Express and . How many lives would that save? Join us on an exciting journey 65 million years into the past. GRAY: Dane County Airport is thirty-six minutes away, sixty with traffic. OWENThat's how it is?Easy. Sir, I need to see a badge. After kicking off in 2015, the series is now on its third film with Jurassic World Dominion, directed by Colin Trevorrow.The latest movie not only connects even more to the original Jurassic Park films, but it also attempts to capture the popcorn fun of the first . Owen pushes past Nick and the three begin running for the door they entered through. Look, nature gave us the most effective killing machines 75 million years ago. Every living thing in this jungle is trying to murder the other. She goes to one of the thermal imaging consoles and activates it. Yeah, no, it did. He stands, and so does Claire. I need you to come take a look at something. Claire: Hold on. Suddenly he stops, glimpsing the outline of Indominus rex through the trees. Claire notices. There'sone in the field. Delta! (annoyed)Can he slow down? Lowery, reaching for a bag of chips, knocks a soda cup off the desk, and because Claire nudged the trash can over, it falls into that instead of hitting the floor. I can track it from the control room! Because Ijust hung up with Zach,and he said that youweren't even with them. Trust me, youDON'T want them in the field. OWENNever seen anything outside of these walls? Across the room, Owen points out the window. (yelling over to the instructor)Are you okay? CLAIREWe hit a few speed bumps early on. Up close andpersonal with four dinosauruses. FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR(holds up two fingers)Two more. (laughs)Oh, oh, my gosh, you're so-- you're so sweet! CLAIRESo she needs a friend? ZACH CLAIREUh, right, so marketing thought we could offset some of the costs--. Simon Masrani stands in front of him. Claire is in her Mercedes racing back to the main area of the park, talking on her cell phone. Maybe he sees something we can't. Owen and Nick enter the main area of the enclosure through a side door. VIVIAN(surprised)He just got five milligrams of carfentanil. ACU can handle this, no one else is gonna get-. There's a knock on the door.]. Stay here.Wow.You still have those matches? Cut to show Wu is drinking tea behind his desk. There's a lot of guests missing.We're doing the best we can. Lowery shuts off the control room. CLAIREWe have families here.I'm not gonna turn this placeinto some kind of a war zone! When the bleachers stop moving, the audience are now sitting in the Underwater Observatory and are watching an underwater view of the reptile. Indominus snatches him up in her clawed hands. They learn social skills. Hey. MANAGER: (at the tourists)Sorry, folks. Gray ends up stabbing Echo in the chest with the taser. Her phone continues ringing insistently. HOSKINSThe mother henhas finally arrived. CLAIREClean up your workspace. Charlie? Grady? He hears Blue, and he quickly hides in a log. MAN: He's sending you and theassets to a secure location. We notice Zach and Gray sitting within them. And we're moving. [Gray rushes over to the Mr. DNA Show, where visitors are quizzed about genetics. Exactly. Fine.I'll do it myself. Listed as used but has never been hung. ], [Zach's girlfriend waves to him. We are talking about an animal here. Claire gasps, placing both her hands over her mouth. She rips off one of his legs. [Excited, Gray leaps up and runs to the front and watches as the train approaches the main entrance to the park. LOWERYNo, they're all accounted for.It's my job.What? Go! MASRANIDid your general ever flyinto battle with you? A trooper heads towards the camera, and a stun device in his hand is activated as he does, the blue bolt visible. They're thinking: I gotta eat. You really think she could've climbed out? literally meaning "three-horned face" in greek. LOWERY: Hey, where are you? ], [Zach looks sullen and doesn't reply. He watches construction workers welding things together. ], [inside the hammond creation lab, Scientists are hard at work as visitors watch them through convex windows. [Crowds of people fill the street leading towards the Innovation Center. She adopts a very patronizing, sarcastic tone. Release date: Jun 22, 2018. DRUCKER: How did you get two different kinds of dinosaurs to [He struggles with how to put it, and makes awkward "doing it" motions with his hands. Promote only loyal bloodlines. [She grabs his bag and they walk out together. Honey, I need you to take care of these. Thank God!What happened? Only static anwsers. HENRY WU:You know that I'm not at liberty to reveal the asset's genetic makeup. Owen: That's her tracking implant. Great idea. Nothing in Jurassic World is natural. Owen feels the deep grooves with his bare hand and the three men stare up at the massive wall looming over them. This'll give thePARENTS nightmares Outside, we a closeup of Indominus' browneye peering at the two humans through the foliage. How new. No, I'm gonna have to go. [The boys stop as the announcement repeats in another language, seeing ZARA YOUNG, a bored-looking woman wearing sunglasses, holding a sign with their names on it. To a canary, a cat is a monster. Is crushed by the Indominus' tail which whips him against a tree trunk. 50-caliber bullet.The Gyroscopic technology willkeep you upright at all times JIMMY FALLON (cont'd)so you've got nothing to worry about. They begin to shoot at the raptors and the Indominus. ], [Gray and Zach are among hundreds of people boarding a ferry for Isla Nublar. | Universal Studios Hollywood 2021! It chirps, flaps its wings and flies away. CLAIREMr. After a moment it emits an annoyed buzzing sound and flashes the readout "NO THERMAL SIGNATURES DETECTED." I told you.You're welcome. As she hangs up and reaches the bottom, Gray runs up and hugs her. The Indominus rex makes us relevant again. MASRANI(interrupting)No, no, no, how's it doing? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! While uneaten, he is crushed as the Rex flattens him. Is there a downstairs? Modified animals are known to be unpredictable. And now we know they can take orders. The flight instructor for his part seems to be keeping his cool. Owen spots Claire. Owen walks over to a window at the far end of the room. ZACHUh, seven. CLAIRE: ( Worried. CLAIRE Looking a little wobbly, it zooms off over the park. She chomps on his out stretched hand. Suddenly, the helicopter shakes, and they jump, grabbing onto things in the helicopter. LOWERY(dawning fear)What? CLAIREHow much longer until they get it out of there? SIMON MASRANI: (shouting)I NEVER ASKED FOR A MONSTER! Good. They enter the observation room. MAN ON PA:Pregnant women and those who suffer from motion sickness should consult with a doctor before riding this ride. The Mosasaur grabs the last of the Great-White shark eating it whole then rapidly biting it. OWENWhat, is it in the basement? CLAIRE A real bond. The two turn and run back the way they came, but Ellis isn't fast enough. Claire enters holding a Starbucks coffee cup and addresses two of the technicians, VIVIAN KRILL and LOWERY CRUTHERS. Owen punches him square in the mouth. CLAIRE: So, when you say you want to sponsor an attraction, what do you have in mind? Today turned outto be a really bad day for me.They're in great hands.They're with my assistant.She's British,so they invented nannies.Wait, are you crying? ], [KAREN MITCHELL is in the driveway of a two-story suburban home loading luggage into the back of a Nissan minivan. A field test. We imagine the world of the dinosaurs, as a world of huge vegetarians, eating their way through the giant swampy forests of the Jurassic and Cretaceous world, a hundred million years ago. CLAIRE( Angry, ) Between man and beast. MAN #2(radio chatter)Yeah, got ahead and tranq 'em--. The commander picks up the tracking implant from the ground, the team members wary. We see a raptor claw tapping impatiently. ZACH ( Slightly baffled, ) What is this here? CLAIRE: (to the investors) Every time we've unveiled a new asset, attendance has spiked. NICKThat doesn't make any sense. HOSKINSCan I(pats Delta, who snarls insidiously)Wow. BARRY ( To Hoskins. Owen approaches Lowery's desk and his hand sweeps across the table, causing something to fall into the rubbish bin. He runs and slides underneath the crane, where he lies hiding on his stomach. WUEverything mustbe accounted for.I want all backupgenerators online.Where have you been? Perhaps the single most important quote in the Jurassic Park script comes from Ian Malcolm. The same four things in everything that ever lived. CLAIRESee?Totally safe.All right, get in. Now embarrassed Lowery retrieves it from the trash and returns it to his desk as Claire exits the control room. KAREN: Can you hold these? SUDDENLY! She continues down, still talking on her phone, but in a hurry to finish the conversation. Owen is alert and Nick looks nervous, but they make it over to where Ellis is without incident. I will see you tonight at eight. Suddenly, a pig runs past, squealing with fright. Welcome to Jurassic Park! MONORAIL ANNOUNCER: Okay, those of you in the front of the train should be able to see our main gate, built from the gate of the original park, over twenty years ago. Why stop there? You know, I have a lot of respect for it. When you see my name, push it, okay? Up front is park owner SIMON MASRANI and his FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR. Reaching the back door, Nick uses a handprint ID and a security code to override the door lock. MASRANIDid you boys servein the Armed Forces? After years of studying genetics the scientists on the park genetically engineer a new breed of dinosaur. The construction crews are on break as Claire and Owen get out of the car. Mom's not paying me for babysitting. MR. DNA(for the next visitor)Test your knowledge! He has to be smarter. KARENWell, a promise tomorrow is wortha lot less than trying today. Lowery doesn't react. A few minutes later, Isla Nublar comes into view and the ferry sails towards it. There's a pointyou have to grow up. . LOWERY(exasperated)Ugh, that was so terrible! ], [He runs and opens the windows, looking out at the park. Above the announcer and into the lagoon, a great white shark is via a mechanical hook. (to Zara)And take very good care of them. She places her hands on her hips. She unbuttons her shirt, and ties it, showing her purple tank top. She eyes them, growling softly, before roaring, placing her jaws onto the Gyrosphere, and chomps down, her teeth puncturing the glass. OWENHow did they even getone of these things started? DNA can survive for a millennia that way. The implant will shock it if it gets too close to a perimeter fence. Claire gets out of the vehicle, walking towards the two of them, and kneeled down as well, placing a small hand on the dinosaur, and startles her by accident, and theApatosaurusraises her head, bellowing, before lying down again. HENRY WU:(He looks away from MASRANI) That's unfortunate SIMON MASRANI:What purpose could we have for a dinosaur that can camouflage? MAN #1(radio chatter)Two juvenile Triceratops are goin' at it again. You're the new guy, right? She makes a show of consulting some paperwork. Come on. CLAIREI'll be in the car. MR. DNAthe building blocks of life! The helicopter touches down roughly and everyone gets out. He and Owen look at one another for a long moment. On the platform above, hands are shaken and cheers heard. LOWERY(still on his earlier tangent)Pepsisaurus. There is no denying that Jurassic Park has had a major pop culture impact, as seen with the more recent Jurassic World films. Three years after all hell broke loose on little Isla Nublar, a newly active volcano is threatening to consume the surviving dinosaurs there. Blue runs off, alone. You asked for more teeth! tiny claws scratch through the shell as a titles reads "jurassic world". VIVIAN(through the radio)area Paddock 11 dock 11, do you copy Nick answers. Owen: There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. Near the end of the ride, the pendulum abruptly fell almost 26 meters . As he points to the front of the Gyrosphere, the Indomnius Rexappears. With Claire, she jumps on a fallen food stand, screaming the boys name. Wanna go on the spinning dinosaur eggs? He puts the item down, while cursing in french. CLAIREOkay, so I will see you tonight at, uh(thinks)uh, six. ACU OFFICER: ( He spots the Indominus, ) 10 o'clock!By the birdcage! Meanwhile, Zach grabs the Gyrosphere's handle, and pulls sideways. Prepare yourself for the evolution of Jurassic World - The Ride. Echo and Delta attack the Indominus. Technicians work diligently. Jurassic World: The Ride is a dark ride / water ride attraction that is themed to the Jurassic World series at Universal Studios Hollywood.The original Jurassic Park: The Ride, which operated from June 21, 1996, to September 3, 2018, underwent a major refurbishment and reopened as Jurassic World: The Ride.. Hogwarts Express: Kings Cross Station. ACU officer: Pull up! These guys are gonna run straight into the enemy's teeth and eat them, belt buckle and all. Go. You're gonna gettwo of everything, right?You're gonna get two birthdays,two Thanksgivings, two ZACHYeah, well, it's not up to you.All right? Sponsored . MASRANIOkay.I intend to personallylook into your projectto determine its viability within themoral principles of this company. ETA five minutes. Owen: You need to call this mission off right now. OWENGet the hell out of hereand stay away from my animals. That sort of thing? Verizon Wireless Presents the Indominus Rex. CLAIREShe has an implant in her back! He seems increasingly concerned, but Claire isn't sharing his opinion. (presses a clicker) Eyes on me! The team hits it with all their stun weapons and the creature drops the commander. She screams in the water as well, flailing about. She's a little shy so be nice and give her a hand when she comes out. CLAIRE(surprised)Mr. Masrani! (raises his head)Why not just go the distance, Claire? CLAIREOk, ok. Can we just focus on the asset, please? Owen follows. OWENThe "asset"? GRAYDid you see that?I can't wait to tell Mom. GRAYBut you're notalways gonna be around. VIVIAN: She can sense thermal radiation.Our emergency measuresjust put all the warmbodies in one place. ], [He trails off uncertainly. MASRANI(absently)"The kids"? With Claire, Zach, and Gray.CLAIRE: My God. [Gray gawps at everything he sees. ], [Zach runs to the van as his father starts up the engine. They got something. He sees Indominus with Ellis in her mouth. Stay right there.I'm on my way. Masrani notices her tone but lets it pass without comment. Suddenly, it gets through a gate, and it closes. But then, the Mosasaurus jumps out of the water, chomping on Zara and the Pteradon that is holding her. LOWERYWe can't lock him in there with that thing! Soon, the phone starts to vibrate. Ships Priority in cardboard tube. CLAIREIt was just here. OWEN (exasperated, to Masrani)I would have a word withyour people in the lab.That thing out there,that's no dinosaur. She turns and yells up at the house. Lowery and Vivian exchange confused glances. ZACH: ( Turning to Gray )We're gonna have to jump. KAREN: How many minutes to get your little butt in the van? GREYYeah, I know. Eventually, one of these things will eat somebody. It's gonna be a while.We've got our hands full out here. GRAY:What do you think's gonna happen from you just staring at them? Rexy roars loudly, chasing after her. I was just there! Our DNA excavators discover new species every year. "Scarier." Masrani takes off his sunglasses. OWEN: It didn't eat them.It's killing for sport. CLAIRESo I see you already got your wristbands and this is for food. He puts his sunglasses back on and pushes the throttle forward. All feels right with the world now that Jurassic World Dominion is here to send dinos tearing through theaters once again. HOSKINSWhat's taking them so long?Light it up!Engage! OWENI'm okay. Is swallowed whole while firing his shotgun at the monster. ZACHI can't really hear you.We're in the hamster ball. Owen springs into action. CLAIRE: Damn it, Lowery, be a man and do something for once in your life. Claire steps down from Owen's cabin going face-to-face with him. Ankylosaurus. See, Charlie, that's what you get! At the last possible second, he drops down and rolls underneath as the gate slams shut. She simply smiles nervously. Claire leads a small tour group consisting of three potential investors, HAL OSTERLY, JIM DRUCKER and ERICA BRAND through the laboratory.]. AUTOMATED VOICEDue to technical difficultiesall our exhibits are now closed.Please disembark all ridesand return to the resort. ANNOUNCEROkay, hold on tight. Turn it over.Whoo!It works! CLAIREYeah, everything's great.The boys are having fun.Everyone'sYeah, everyone's good. These days, kids look at a Stegosaurus like an elephant from the city zoo. LOWERY, ( to himself ) We know that the military needs to reduce casualties. Claire turns towards the boys, and ran towards them hurriedly. And, now, they're upside down. She wanted us to think she escaped! BARRYWhat do you think?Want to take one home? MAN: Did they give youthe green light yet?HOSKINS: They will. AUTOMATED VOICEThe next T. rex feeding will begin in 10 minutes. I gotta You can relate to at least one of those things, right? Protected in plastic sleeve. ], [Gray rushes excitedly through the crowd as they all step onto a escalator]. CLAIREMr. You came on a good day. Claire stares at him with an uncomfortable look and instead of answering, Claire draws attention to his desk. You need to evacuate the containment Vivian's voice comes through Nick's radio all garbled. Owen notices something coming towards the boys from behind. So you can get on all the rides without waiting in line. Please. She's already annoyed by his line of questioning. CLAIREYou know what?No, no, no.You guys are notgonna watch this.Keep the window closed. CLAIRELooks like it. Karen and Scott turn and look at their boys in the backseat, particularly the sullen Zach. Um "Cooler" (He laughs) I believe is the word that you used in your memo. Gray smiles too, but notices the flying dinosaurs, and gets Zach's attention. $15.46 . The boys struggle with a taser as two of the raptors chase the van. Triceratops is half as tall as T. rex [Cut to a theater where children and their parents are watching a documentary about the extinction of the dinosaurs.]. These animals can replace thousands of boots on the ground. Come on. VIVIAN: We have eyes on the target,south of the Aviary.Proceed and engage. It is the first installment in the Jurassic World trilogy and the fourth installment overall in the Jurassic Park film series. Meanwhile, the commander notices blood dripping onto his arm. The boys watch what is showing Owen riding on a motorcycle, next to the raptor squad. ZACHAll right, whatever.You know what?It doesn't matter, okay?I'm gonna be gonein two years anyway.I mean, all my friends'parents are divorced.Hey, knock it off.You're gonna cry?Look. OWENHey, hey! OWENYou just went and made a new dinosaur? NICK(skeptical)That wall's forty feet high. OWEN: ( Calming her down. CLAIRE: While year-over-year revenue continues to climb, operating costs are higher than ever. He places a bloody handprint on the window. ZACHYeah, wellHeyWe're brothers, okay?We'll always be brothers,and we'll always come back to one another.No matter what. Hey! Hurriedly, he smears it all over himself in an effort to mask his scent. Two rangers aim their weapons at the raptors. LOWERYlet me do uh, I'm doin' it right now. Jurassic World: The Ride is a new attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood that opened on July 12, 2019 and is considered a thrill ride. GIRLFRIEND: Call me every day. What did I just say? She stops once her name is called. Contents 1 History 2 Ride description No! SUPERVISOR NICK stands at one of the touch screen thermal imaging consoles as they come in. ANNOUNCERThe Mosasaurus was thought to have hunted near the surface of the water where it could prey on anything it could sink its teeth into. She is clearly overjoyed but unsure of how to respond and awkwardly hugs him back. Eyes of the world. Get some sun. The ride is based on the popular Jurassic World movies and is located in Universal Studios Hollywood. Now, both dinos are fighting. This is gonna happen. The entire room watches in silence and horror. ZACHYou remember when we fixed upGrandpa's old Malibu, right? Struggle breeds greatness. These doors haven't been opened in weeks. WUThe embryos are safe here.They can live up to eightweeks on the generators. CLAIREOkay, I'm sorry.Tomorrow, I'm gonna spendthe entire day with them.I'm going to take off work,and I will not leave their side.I promise. Let these corporations name the dinosaurs. It was an eventuality, okay? She looks at him ready to say something smart. Shh.. VIVIANAnother Pachy roaming outside his zone, but he's fully sedated and ready for relocation. Don't ever turn your back to the cage. I gotta hunt. (voice becomes louder) You cannot have an animal with exaggerated predator features without the corresponding behavioral traits. ANNOUNCER: can turn its head back to look over its shoulder, to better aim the swing of its dangerous tail. She checks her wristwatch.]. Good. We're the same. But I never imagined SIMON MASRANI (frustrated)Who authorized you to do this?! The gates of Jurassic Park: The Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood will reopen this summer but this time, visitors can expect a whole new Jurassic world. But, you know, close. Enter an immersive land and come face-to-face with the Indominus rex as she stalks you through the jungle. When the elevator doors open, Claire is looking right at the camera. [however Gray is excitedly impatient, futzing with the big screen TV. A herd of Gallimimus flock together with a Tour Jeep driving beside them with amused tourists looking ahead. LOWERYThat's good.You don't mention him, ever. BARRYSomething's wrong.They're communicating. Both of the boys turn, seeing her. ZACKYeah, I guess.Aunt Claire gave us passes,so we don't have to wait in line. So, the proteins and the cell membranes get all mixed up, and and uh act as a natural preservative. Claire and Owen run towards the other ACU officers, and Owen begins to shoot the flying reptilians. A calm Masrani straightens the helicopter. Get caught in the fray as she's confronted by her archrival, the Tyrannosaurus rex, in an epic battle for the ages. But we are doing what we have done from the beginning. Rexy smashes through a skeleton, and roars at the Indominus. It's in there with you! Masrani stares at her. No, I'm here. ZACHHey, you wanna see something else cool? ], [cut to the hotel room as Zara opens the door and enters a lavish-looking hotel room with the boys entering behind her.]. CLAIREThey say it can sense thermal radiation, like snakes. CLAIRE: No, no, no.OWEN: Hey.They made it out. CLAIRECome on, come on.Go inside.Control room.That way.They evacuated the lab.What are you doing? It's bigger than expected. HENRY WU:You are acting like we are engaged in some kind of mad science. They're not detecting any body heat inside the paddock. It's in the cage CLAIRE(dubious)Well, that's impossible. WOMAN ON PA:Due to technical difficulties, all our exhibits are now closed. With four new Jurassic movies created after the first one made in 1993, it was time to update the ride to . HENRY WU:Cuttlefish genes were added to help her withstand an accelerated growth rate. Claire places her hand on her again, one lone tear falling down her pale cheek. Running to it, he hesitates, looking back at Owen who is running towards him with Indominus rex right behind him. A gleeful Gray grins and elbows him but doesn't get a response. CLAIREHoskins, you wanted this to happen,you son of a bitch! Claire's phone rings. CLAIREOkay, so, um, have fun. MASRANISay, I thought there were two of them. (voice rising) And, if their genetic code was pure, many of them would look quite different. LOWERYI like to think of it as a living system. The camera pans towards the island. In the second egg, a browneye peeks out. I promise.Tomorrow you will be home,and your mother willnever let me see you again. Barry looked down at a piece of Tech, where it shows that the Raptors are slowing down. then Fade in to showtwo eggs beginning to hatch, with a title reading "universal presents, an amblimation film. Owen turns, driving off, and the blue raptor follows him. You don't know howold your nephews are? We see the Indominus roaring at the dinosaurs, getting them to flap their wings, and they all fly out towards Masrani's helicopter. CLAIREEveryone remain calm. CLAIRE: The good news? Drones can't search tunnels and caves. MASRANIBut your program was totest their intelligence. ], ["Merry Little Christmas" plays in the background. (notices Owen laughing)What? ANNOUNCERThank you for visiting Jurassic World.We hope youenjoyed your adventure.Don't forget to visit the gift shop,and rememberIt's always happyhour at Margaritaville. Claire visits Owen at his bungalow near the sea.[1]. SCOTT: Zach, you're not goin' off to war, here. As before, we don't see the I. rex, just the dense jungle of the paddock interior beyond the glass. OWENSee, it's all about control with you. In America, activists push . OWENWell, you got Charlie.There's Echo.Here is Delta.This one's called Blue.She's the beta. The elevator dings. What is this?Are you okay?Where did you go?Why didn't you come back?I was so worried about you. Zach and Gray follow in horror. [We see an asteroid strike the Earth in an enormous explosion. Blue looks towards Owen, and he shakes his head. MASRANI(interrupting)Don't forget why we built this place, Claire. That's kind of enough--. But that tech's not gonna eat them if they forget to feed it. You're flying! MASRANIOkay, now show me my new dinosaur Everyone braces. 22 years after the original Jurassic Park failed, the new park (also known as Jurassic World) is open for business. She grabs a flare and a walkie talkie. Jurassic World Ride The Gyrosphere Poster 17.5"x13.5". Now please (turns in his seat and smiles) we're flying! CLAIREYeah, look. CLAIRERight, of course. CLAIRE(nervous)Maybe you should just focus on the controls MASRANIThe key to a happy life is to accept you are never actually in control. ANNOUNCEROkay folks, let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today. Charlie. Let's go! We terminate the rogues. Hoskins looks upset as he slowly puts his arm down. Something enormous begins moving through the trees at the far end of the enclosure. OWEN: Easy, Blue.Easy.Attagirl.You don't scare me. That's that's gonna be cool, right? [She takes the Viewmaster away from him.]. She hands him his gun, but he pulls her in for a kiss. Your safetyis our main concern.Now just re--laxand enjo--y the ride. The ride takes guests on a thrilling journey through the Jurassic Park movie set, where they can see dinosaurs up close and personal. The biggest fright on Hollywood's "Jurassic World"-themed attraction isn't the 84-foot drop but, rather, an unexpected moment at the beginning of the ride. One falls, and Zach holds Gray's hand, who's screaming and crying. Exciting journey 65 million years ago, de-extinction was right up there with magic ) Why just! Fade in to showtwo eggs beginning to hatch, with the InGen,... Presents, an amblimation film good.You do n't scare me masrani and his flight instructor for his part to. Jeep driving beside them with amused tourists looking ahead it chirps, flaps its wings and away! Things will eat Somebody sure to get their families to safety as the train approaches the crane and crouches on! Announcer and into the enemy 's teeth and eat them if they forget to feed it stands one... 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