Is it also possible to Sterilize soil with Jeyes fluid? A solution of vinegar, salt and dish soap can be a cheap and effective tool against weeds. Will Jeyes fluid kill honey fungus in this manner? The effects are truly horrendous. Natural ways to kill weeds without harming the grass There are currently no approved insecticides for chafer grub control, despite the fact that Syngentas insecticide Acelepryn was approved for chafer grub and leatherjacket control in 2018 and 2019. Did Little Mix unfollow Jesy? Granular Bayer Advanced 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus 9.3% Apply to active grubs in the spring or fall. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Weeds, moss and algae ages paths more than anything else. The chemicals dry out and kill the mushrooms for good, but they also harm the soil and root systems underneath belonging to your plants. How? Jeyes Fluid can kill all these germs, ensuring your rabbit or guinea pig continues to live in a clean, suitable environment. Maybe he does but he doesn't state this and on a path there are far better weedkillers than jeyes fluid which is a disinfectant. The crop yield was excellent. CAN BE SPRAYED ON DORMANT SHRUBS ETC AS A WINTER WASH BUT BE CAREFUL OF DILUTION RATE. I remember a beautiful bed of Apricot Nectar that had terrible blackspot one year in my family's garden. Where can I buy Jeyes Fluid from. Covering garden soil with a mulch blocks weeds. It's a great natural repellent that is highly effective, and is a great way to get rid of foxes in the garden without causing any harm. Author Topic: Jeyes versus couch grass (Read 3200 times) carrot-cruncher. Thus, neutralizing your soil will help to gradually reduce the presence of moss, as well as prevent its future growth. Record the plants in your garden, share your photos, and make like-minded friends. Dawson (1932) lists naphthalene, Jeyes fluid and orthodichlorobenzene as leatherjacket . It is closely related to creosote. More importantly, Jeyes Fluid can also kill grass and plants, making your lawn or garden look as if it was burnt by too much sun. JEYES FLUID effectively kills bacteria and pathogens around the farm environment, making it ideal for disinfecting cattle stalls and piggeries. In the fall, seed and fertilize your lawn. Jeyes fluid is a less concentrated form of tar oil, before the advent of all the new chemical formulas it was used at seasons end to kill off hibernating slugs. Join in and write your own page! Pets should be kept off the area the product has been applied to until it is completely dry. 28 Apr, 2010. How much bleeding is normal in early pregnancy? It will also seriously harm animals, including cats but also other wildlife. . Jeyes is toxic, not just to insect we don't want but also to creatures we do. Its also lighter to reduce transport emissions and removes a layer of factory manufacturing and pollution. The smell of jeyes is strong and foxes do not like it so stay away (similar to earlier mail re peeing!) As the account owner,, Fimbo, Florrie, and Baby Pom are magical characters who live in Fimble Valley, a bright, lush, and colorful place. The brown dye from the solution has also been removed to ensure it can be used on all surfaces, including lighter ones, without staining them. Allow 30 minutes for Jeyes Fluid to work and then rinse off with water and scrub with brush. 10 litres ) to sterilise all veg soil. Is this fluid which comes in slightly different degrees of chemical content and containers, the original real McCoy or have I completely buggered up? and if so what is the fluid to water ratio ? This, OUR BEST DEAL JUST GOT BETTER FOR $20! The runoff should not affect the plants, flowerbeds, or lawn if used as directed to clean a path or patio; however, after the runoff has come into contact with them, these areas can be rinsed with water to further dilute the Patio Power. Because nematodes disintegrate the pests from the inside out, you wont see dead insect bodies like you would with a chemical attack. As mentioned above, Hey there Im Jesse, a professional florist, and gardening enthusiast. Hi, can anyone tell me what time of year it is best to apply Jeyes sterilising fluid to garden soil that is NOT used for growing edible plants? Ive heard that a soil drench of Jayes fluid although very diluted is the answer to get rid of them. BUT YOU WILL BE FREE OF DISEASE FOR A FEW YEARS. It can also be used on plant pots, containers, seed trays, hanging baskets, greenhouses, garden tools, as well as animal housing and much more. Sodium chlorate used to be the thing for that, but the EU has now restricted the sale of it. You need most of them to ensure you have a fertile soil e.g. You can get patio cleaners that are not harmful to plants - Clearway is safe, Algon is safe if contact level is low. I wondered if, as it is supposed to do vine weevils it would affect lily beetles, . I've tried digging out the area and filling with heavily limed water as well but that's no use either. hi i have used jayes fluid on two of my raised beds. I have only used it to clean the inside of my GH andI could smell it for weeks. With cautious use, it can also remove weeds [3] . If thats not possible, exercise as much accuracy as you can whilst you apply it to the moss. Can I spray my apple Tree for scab with jeyes fluid? From late July to October, you can use Chafer Grub killer. Use mulch to smother weeds. The moss is killed by boiling water, while the vinegar removes the organic matter and dirt that the moss requires to adhere to hard surfaces. The odor of Jeyes is the strong odor of carbaryl, which most cats do not like. Hard work but may be worth a try if you are strong enough. Please DO NOT DIP YOUR DOG with this stuff. Would a solution of jeyes fluid be suitable to eradicate grass grub in a heavily infested lawn of 3000 Sq meters and at what mix ratio and any other relevant info at ion. Jeyes fluid is a multi-purpose, all-purpose disinfectant and cleaner for most surfaces. Has anybody got up to date information on use of current jeyes product? Keep an eye out for grubs. I created MyGardenFlowers to share all that I can about the flowers that I have planted and managed to grow in my garden. Additionally, you may want to consider getting hands-on and digging out the moss. Admittedly, its aesthetic has a certain charm to it. Cover up and stay safe! The recommended contact time is 10 seconds and if ESOL is not rinsed off there is a residual kill. For that, we consult the material safety data sheet (MSDS) for this product, which states: * 11.1. It seems to pop up in our gardens somewhat randomly, whether we want it or not. Keep your skin well-covered whilst you apply it, and keep yourself and any other humans or animals away from the area whilst its at work. Despite the fact that Chafer Grubs can harm the grass, it is frequently not them who cause the most damage. That's why you should put poison inside foot long plastic tubes placed along walls that rats are likely to use as walkway or passage but chicken won't be able to touch. The thing is that whatever you use it needs doing again and again. I think the idea is that it sterilises the soil and kills the grubs. Jeyes Drain Unblocker, a drain cleaner and deodorizer that works in minutes, is ideal for quickly cleaning all outside drains. The nematodes are not active in spring because soil temperatures are too high. It has been a trusted disinfectant for farmers for many years for its effectiveness as a insecticide and repellent effective . Ive just sent off for some ORIGINAL Jeyes Fluid. Think gloves, long sleeves, long trousers, and maybe even safety glasses and a facemask too! JEYES FLUID effectively kills bacteria and pathogens around the farm environment, making it ideal for disinfecting cattle stalls and piggeries. Copyright 2008-2021 All Rights Reserved. As far as a fungicide goes, we think it's the safest of all, whilst still able to do the job. Weeds, like humans, will burn if exposed to boiling water. The activity of birds searching for the grubs also disrupts the turf surface with tufts of grass left loose and holes opened up in the sward. can jeyes fluid be used as a weedkiller ? However, the good thing, if there is any, is that only large amounts of Jeyes Fluid can actually cause death. Here is the reply I recieved to my email enquiry. Jeyes compound was changed recently due to health reasons. I had an allotment in south Wales and we all used Jeyes fluid to sterilize the soil. How frequently should nematodes be used? Similarly, if the moss is growing on your lawn or soil, youll want to use as weak of a solution as possible, if any, so as to not deplete the area of nutrients. Now, we have got a complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! As you dig, soak each row and the trench with a solution of one tablespoon of Jeyes Fluid per gallon of water. Since EC Regulations in 2003, the product is no longer effective as a winter wash. Regrettably, as this product is now subject to Ministry regulations, we are unable at present, to confirm recommendations other than those printed on the latest can. If you really want to do the bare minimum to defeat weeds and start all over, use mulch. Any advice will be very gratefully relieved. Horrid stuff but smells great if you like the smell of fresh tarmac hanging around for a week or few. It's no secret that Ivy is an extremely fast-growing climber. I have a question. Make the solution Mix 4 ounces of liquid dish soap and 1 gallon of water in a 1- to 2-gallon hand sprayer. Jeyes Fluid used at the correct concentration doe not kill worms. Our market leading, signature product was where it started and we have since expanded to a range of 16 cleaning products, ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. Whilst it takes several resprays and even several weeks to kill weeds, Jeyes Fluid generally only takes a matter of hours to kill moss. In other words, be sure to protect yourself. Im using it to try and control black spot i have just sprayed the new buds with rose clear but want to make sure i protect from the ground up thanks Lester. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thanks Wullie, i have norwigian spruce could you tell me why its branches have gone brown ,its about , Add a photo Their dead bodies will be found drying out (no smell) later on in a remote corner. That would be very much frowned upon by the Environment Agency if they found out. Your grass and any other plants will be killed by jeyes fluid. Being cautious I tried it on a small area and the earth worms all came to the surface obviously in distress. Simply pull the weeds by hand, and then use a pressure washer around the paver stones to remove the roots. It's a nightmare - i had a seriously long gravel drive that was the same. (Jeyes Fluid is an old-fashioned British disifectant made from coal tar). In a garden sprayer, pour 1 gallon of undiluted 20% acetic acid vinegar. This includes Amazon. this is true Jeyes is made from tar acids Tar has carcenogenic properties in it and according to Jeyes after contacting them last year by phone Jeyes should not be used on a veg patch for obvious reasons. The old worthies rough dug their plots and used it at the rate of one capfull to 2 gallons of water. placing the top oil three spits down. The handling of such chemicals should not be taken lightly. Once when visiting a nursery I commented on how good the tomatoes looked - how could I get mine to grow like that ? In a large bucket, combine 1 cup household bleach and 1 gallon of water. Will jeyes fluid kill grass? To prevent moss from returning, make sure there is plenty of sunlight on your drive. Because nematodes are specific to the pest, they are safe for the user, children, pets, wildlife, and the environment. We have had the misfortune to have had both. Will it kill it or what should I do now. With a stiff broom, sweep dirt and debris from the blacktop. Jeyes fluid is a disinfectant cleanser which is years old and very pungent. It is typically used around the home and garden for a variety of cleaning and disinfecting tasks. I grow a lot of roses. Years ago I was recommended to try Jeyes fluid for sterilising my seed bed. I WOULD NOT USE IT EXCEPT AS A LAST RESORT. It will definitely kill slug eggs as well as aphids, snails, vine weevils, earwigs, leek moths, leaf miners, leatherjackets, chafer grubs, millipedes, eelworms, capsid bugs (pictured), onion flies, maggots, smuts, neck rot, foot rot, grey mould, blue mould, bacterial rot, white rot, earthworms, ladybirds, lacewings, , Your email address will not be published. Sarraceniac . However, not all salt is created equal when it comes to weed control. It will also seriously harm animals, including cats but also other wildlife. Jeyes fluid will kill your grass, and any other plants. When you spot the change in color, its time to scrub it away with a garden brush and clean the area with water. Worms are not killed by jelly fluid when used at the correct concentration. Description. A pressure wsher would lift plants in the cracks of paving. However, whether or not its the best way to remove moss is a subjective matter. After I come back I will plant out in Autumn for the winter crops. , Use a Cover Plant. Brumbull said he treated his fuchsias by dunking both rootball and top growth before taking in for the winter. . Remove the moss from your body. This article will focus on the composition of jeyes fluid and how it can help to deter the rats from an area. Jeyes is not only an herbicide but an insecticide as well. Have been to Mitre 10 Mega stores and although they have heard of Jeyes Fluid (and Lysol) say it has not been sold by them for years . But for many, it's an unwelcome invader! This iconic brand with origins in the 19th Century is favoured by many households for its versatility and even kills the Bird Flu H5N1 virus. A powerful outdoor cleaner that can help you tackle a wide range of outdoor cleaning jobs to help you get your garden summer ready. Horsey people probably know what Jeyes Fluid is. Jeyes fluid is a foul thing. It will kill weeds. It will kill anything which it touches, in any dilution, and does not decay on contact with soil. Definitely not a thin spraying of petrol. IT WILL KILL EARTHWORMS AND OTHER SMALL CREATUES. Boiling Water: Another way to kill weeds naturally is to pour boiling water over them. Decide whether or not you require a treatment. For Japanese beetle grubs, use spores. Soft bodies with legs near the head of lawn grubs. Combine JEYES FLUID with a good PRESSURE WASHING session and your patio will not only emerge clean and sparkling but also free from germs perfect for your kids to play on. For light coloured aggregate, dilute 50ml product with 5 litres of water, in order to avoid staining. By pulling weeds when theyre small, theyre not only simpler to remove, but they also dont get a chance to bloom and go to seed, which significantly increases weed problems. Log in or register to join the conversation. To clean paving stores with vinegar, you will need to make a mixture of water and vinegar. Chafer grubs have a similar appearance to the stag beetle larva (Lucanus cervus). It is closely related to creosote. Jeyes fluid will kill your grass, and any other plants. Buy nematodes (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) at your local lawn and garden store to naturally treat chapfer beetle infestations. The Jeyes Fluid will hurt them and could even kill them. and I have read on many UK poultry sites that it will kill mites and other insects. It seems, like anti-freeze, to be both palatable and toxic to cats. By default, Jeyes Fluid has an extremely high concentration of chemicals. I have two raised planters which both have soil from the same source however one has developed a mass spread of mushrooms. It's rapid, and you'll know the moss is dead because its once lustrous green color will have turned shades of yellow . If you add salt to the vinegar solution, it will be more effective. In fact, there could be several of them! It is also effective against other pests, such as earwigs, moths, and silverfish. Is this right?? Regular iodized or non-iodized table salt must be used. I found no more flat worms for 3 or 4 weeks but then they came back. Jeyes fluid is not made in NZ now I gather, but there is a company that imports it from UK: What strength should the mix be as i have a big prob with onion fly thanks. Can anyone tell me will jeyes fluid kill plants? Statements that it is illegal to use Jeyes Fluid anywhere which is . Has anybody used Jeyes Fluid to sterilise soil. Jeyes fluid kills almost anything, including moss, but it can have an impact on other plants that you should keep if their roots and foliage contact it. Spray in front of the area, on your paths, on the pavement, on the nearest lamposts, on the fence and even the beds and grass and . Maybe he does but he doesn't state this and on a path there are far better weedkillers than jeyes fluid which is a disinfectant. , Douse weeds with boiling water. Why don't you follow the instructions at the top of this page and use a tablespn to a watering can of 2 gallons, that sounds mild to me. You can dilute the solution and use it on outside walls or across the patio of your home to kill ants successfully. Jeyes Fluid is an outdoor cleaner only & cannot be used indoors, as it would make the house smell of the product and it may permanently stain indoor surfaces that it has come into contact with. Jeyes Fluid is so strong that when its applied to moss, it also poses a risk to whatever the moss happens to be on top of. HOWEVER jeyes fluid is toxic to cats and if they come into contact with it through skin it will kill them so be careful where its put. Yes, JF will definitely kill plants. Will Jeyes Fluid Kill Ivy? One option, if you are okay not using organic solutions, is to use a chemical pesticide in the form of the spray. R38 Irritating to skin. This works best between July and October, when the chafer grubs are the most active. I have been a gardener since it was still legal to use Jeyes Fluid in a garden context. Grubs eventually grow into adult beetles, emerge from the soil to mate and lay eggs that hatch into more grubs. USE IT BEFORE A WINTER SETS IN TO ALLOW RAINS TO WASH IT OUT OF THE SOIL. Yes and no. It's easy to do. ON AN OLD TIN OF JEYES IT RECOMMENDS 25ML OF JEYES TO 10 LITRES OF WATER. It will also seriously harm animals, including cats but also other wildlife. I looked at the jeyes fluid site it doesnt actually say but an interesting site, a tried and trusted product. 17 May, 2012 . It's pretty strong stuff. Best applied in the winter months, a 10% solution, used now you will burn the grass. It will kill anything which it touches, in any dilution, and does not decay on contact with soil. Dont go overboard. Jeyes Fulid is a general garden disinfectant. Moss Clear Pro is a moss killer and moss remover that can be used on most exterior surfaces, such as driveways, patios, and roofs. In addition to this, the data sheet details many other hazards associated with this product: Harmful in contact with skin and if swallowed. Honey Fungus is a soil-borne fungus that feeds on roots. Log in or register to join the conversation. As you spray, be sure not to allow the Jeyes to touch any plants that you wish to keep happy and healthy. Since this is hot water, be extra careful not to get any of it on yourself. Bleach and hydrogen peroxide are great bleaching agents that kill the bacteria and clean your surface before applying the Jeyes Fluid. I'm about to use it just before going away for a month. If DIY isnt your thing, you could pop to the local garden store and pick up a bottle of moss control. If you are new to Jeyes fluid remember that it is very concentrated, a little goes a long way. To kill the moss, leave for a few hours. Now that youve removed the weeds from the patio slab joints and any remaining cement / grouting, its time to begin cleaning the slabs. R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact. Hi, weejenny.Jeyes will kill those plants unless diluted to a very weak solution. The active ingredient in Jeyes is carbaryl, which some cats will process in small amounts with no ill effects. And if so when do i plant my beans ( not plants) and do i water then as normal, I want to use Jeyes to sterilise soil heavily decorated with cat excrement, since my house has been empty for a while The p[lot is a flower/plant border, not for veg, Hi,I hope you can help me. Theyve said something similar about Oprah, but its not the case. Shes never had a relationship with a woman in my life, or had a, Both at Clubs and online shopping on, BJs accepts Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover Network. No, the product is too strong for indoor use, we would recommend Easy Sink & Pipe Unblocker instead. Only downside was that it also discoloured all his slabs! All weed killing products are available in the specialised store. its normally used to clean saddle and the like. cantabile Second, why does music use Italian terms? Lower branch management of bushes allows you to get in under them and do weeding to remove ivy growth, brambles, ash & sycamore saplings. Use a spray bottle or a garden sprayer to dispense the mixture. Garden Gift Hub is one of the most thoughtful and interesting places on the web to find original and useful gardening and nature inspired products. Reply. Without a residual kill pathogens can rapidly reinfect) So if I don't spray with JF I have flatworms and no earth worms, if I do spray I have neither. The stuff is toxin. Based on actual flights taken over the last year, including, Copyright 2023 | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. I have been reliably informed by a very nice lady at Jeyes that thanks to the meddling of the EU they now have to leave one component out of the original formula and it can no longer be used for soil sterilizing. Shower receptors must have, The flight from Los Angeles, California, to Denver, Colorado, takes 1 hour and 48 minutes. Hence, patch-testing or other moss-killing solutions are typically preferred and actively sought. Wind, for example, could quite easily cause your Jeyes Fluid solution to drift to unintended areas, including back onto yourself. . It is predominantly used for removing bacteria, while gardeners have found it effective at cleaning paths, patios, greenhouses, driveways, and drains - particularly of moss [2]. As long as it doesnt make up more than 20% of the total mixture, add as much soap as you want. IT WILL HAVE DONE ITS JOB. Little Mix, who formed during The X Factor in 2011, have grown to become a global sensation. A sure way to take out any flea, you mix Jeyes Fluid in a bucket of water "the mix must be strong". I worry about my garden frogs ingesting anything that has come into contact with this fluid? Which looks quite untidy. Fill the holes with the soapy water. Not only does the addition of water make the solution much less harmful, but also, a little Jeyes Fluid goes a long way, so why waste it?! It says in this forum above that Jeyes kills moss, but what we use on our slippery paths is bleach along with a stiff bristle broom. Jeyes Fluid can also be used to sterilize garden soil. I know that it cannot be advertised for these uses, since EU testing regulations have not been met, but I'd like to try it. Salt dehydrates plants when water is added, causing them to die. Since EC Regulations in 2003, the product is no longer effective at sterilising soil. Use soap and water to kill off the mushrooms. If using the product as directed to clean a path/patio. Back to HOME page: No Dig Vegetable Garden. Simply click here to return to Garden pests and garden diseases. Last Update: October 15, 2022. 5. Fortunately, by wearing suitable clothing, you can indeed keep yourself out of harms way. Mix dishwashing detergent with water to make a homemade moss killer. Jeyes fluid is also used to disinfect tarmac, hard surfaces, patios and driveways supporting mould and algae, and is great in combination with a pressure washer. So this cat deterrent isn't deadly only for cats. As you can see from this fact sheet, Jeyes fluid is a very toxic substance with many many warnings about its danger to life and health. , applying sufficient solution to thoroughly wet the affected surfaces. Finally, before heading outside to tackle that moss, be sure to double-check the weather forecast. Your email address will not be published. Or it could be too damp or too shaded. Vinegar, when mixed with water, can be sprayed onto plants and around the soil to soak into the roots. Allow 30 minutes for Jeyes Fluid to work and then rinse off with water and scrub with brush. , applying sufficient solution to thoroughly wet the affected surfaces. All you need is one tablespoon of vinegar and a gallon or so of water. A few years ago it was made illegal to use it as either. Pulling weeds by hand is always the most reliable solution, but I accept that there are times when herbicides may be the practical choice. Greetings from NZ, I would like to advise all that you can indeed buy Jeyes Fluid from Mitre 10 Mega stores in NZ for steralising your soil in plastic houses etc. Is Jeyes Fluid Harmful to Cats? Maybe an area further in the garden would be a better place for them to have a play and explore area? It should take a day or two for the moss to die, but if it seems to be taking a little longer, go ahead and respray! Dilute 150ml Jeyes Fluid to every 5 litres of water, applying sufficient solution to thoroughly wet the affected surfaces . Additionally, cats are unable to flush their system of phenol. Second, what chemicals are used to kill chafer grubs? A further benefit is that it will help prevent your produce from getting contaminated during transfer. Information on to. Does Jeyes fluid damage soil? Doctorbob1. Spray this mixture anywhere in your garden that you don't want foxes to go near. Don't use Keyes fluid unless you read the instruction .the man next-door to me is using it and about eight square feet of my garden is dead as he will be if he keeps it up. At a pinch, a reasonably strong saline . What age are the fimbles? When larvae or grubs are present, nematodes should be used. Jeyes is not only an herbicide but an insecticide as well. Please be careful - those grubs in the garden which are left dying or dead on or near the surface may be eaten by other wildlife such as hedghogs and birds. Sevin Lawn Insect Granules are available as a curative product. As Coal Tar Acid is a widely available natural biproduct, it can not be Patented, so if Jeyes did the safety tests, everyone else who used Coal Tar Acid could also sell it for that purpose, but not have to pay for the testing !! Is it ok to leave a bit of grass cuttings on top of a new seeded lawn. Please note that jeyes fluid should not be used on your pet and can in actual fact cause more harm to the animal. The only problem is the white spirit destroys the rubber in the syringe. I live in a rainy part of the country. Log in or register to join the conversation. Anyway, not sure if the Jeyes worked on the blackspot or wether I have just been extra vigilant by snipping off affected leaves and cleaning them away with more care? They were put down a very narrow cat-width gap beside a fence, & although the cats can easily get in the other sideor over the back wall there have been fewer around since then. No, the product is designed to be diluted with water, applied to your path/patio & left to dry. Jeyes Fluid to kill moss on slabs by: Franko My neighbour used Jeyes Fluid to kill moss on his coloured slabs. So let us now look at how you can safely use it before turning to some other options should you feel that this has since put you off! Definitely not a thin spraying of petrol. Its super easy to conjure up a solution from the comfort of your own home. It appeared to be leaf spot, the leaves got spotty and then rotted. Its the animals who enjoy eating them! However, i'd still advise . However, it doesnt take much for it to spread, and it does so at an incredible speed. Sunday 24th October 2010. The most effective homemade option is a mixture of, 5 Bad for the planet is Jeyes Fluid harmful to the environment? Pressure washer good idea, but not between the cracks where you have the thyme etc., is this really the best place for your dogs to be I wonder? Method 1 Naturally treating grubs Look for signs of grubs. Allow your lawn to grow for a long time. You can use orgainic cleansers for your patio without harming your plants, quite alot of choices on line. Bleach is recommended for moss treatment because salt crystals break down in the sun, and even that salt will not harm the moss. Does anybody know of a similar priced alternative. Jeyes Fluid will kill moss on tarmac, though it may also cause damage to your tarmac. Can I use Keyes on slabs to get rid of moss. Grows on You is a community for gardeners. I have two questions. I've used Jeyes to sterilise soil but it does not seem to be of help against wilt. Required fields are marked *. 24 May 2007 at 8:23AM. I did a bit of internet research and came up with the following. The turf is watered by these tiny eelworm-like creatures. I would be . , is a great option for killing weeds and grass permanently. 1 tablespoon vinegar and 1 pound salt are added. Regrettably, as this product is now subject to Ministry regulations, we are unable at present, to confirm recommendations other than those printed on the latest can. The short and maybe not so sweet answer to this is yes. Once the dogs's scent has been laid they will return to the spot. We have been unable to buy Jeyes fluid - We have tried all over the Wellington area. Jeyes Fluid will work almost instantly on moss, typically killing it within a few hours. With strong distaste and a desire to leave the area. Hi, weejenny.Jeyes will kill those plants unless diluted to a very weak solution. Yes, vinegar does kill weeds permanently and is a viable alternative to synthetic chemicals. That would be very much frowned upon by the Environment Agency if they found out. The truth is the presence of moss isnt a random phenomenon. I'd love to find out these things, since these old ideas seem much more sensible than the use of modern chemicals. The question then becomes, What kills Moss on the driveway? To kill driveway and pathway moss, use a diluted bleach solution. Lowenna Posts: 88. As you can see from this fact sheet, Jeyes fluid is a very toxic substance with many many warnings about its danger to life and health. Jeyes' Fluid is another, similar product that may be more readily available. Jim. Maybe a combination of washing-up liquid (with a few drops of disinfectant added) together with an hosepipe or pressure washer. There is a little good news. Jeyes Fluid can be used for a multitude of outdoor cleaning tasks, from neutralising odours and killing bacteria in and around drains, to Of course, I recommend choosing an organic product to ensure youre doing all you can to preserve the surrounding environment. Leave the bed fallow. Jeyes Fluid, proudly keeping the nation's gardens clean for just over 140 years.Known and trusted by millions globally to ensure a clean and virtually germ-free home, inside and out. Jeyes fluid is a popular insecticide that is used to kill a variety of insects, including ants, beetles, cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes. BenDover Posts: 480. 5 Bad for the planet is Jeyes Fluid harmful to the environment? mix 1 cup of table salt with 1 gallon of vinegar Saturation soil rate is 10ltrs per sq metre. With the garden hose, spray the moss off the blacktop. Telf . I HAD CLUB ROOT THEN USED JEYES AS ABOVE AND I HAVE BEEN NOW FREE OF IT FOR 5 YEARS. I dont want to buy it from a specialist cleaning company. Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons (29.6 to 44.4 ml) of dish soap with 2 gallons (7.57 liters) of water. Just as Jeyes is a threat to your beloved plants, its a threat to you, too, as well as any pets or children you may have. Make sure your grass receives regular fertilization and liming on a regular basis, as well as proper aeration to keep it longer. Itll be treated for a while.. I remember that these sprouts grew very large and one plant at least reached about 4 feet high. Jeyes Fluid is a p owerful multi-purpose outdoor cleaner trusted by millions of users to tackle a wide range of outdoor cleaning jobs. Plus, it has a host of health benefits. The mixture inside could be sprayed onto the overall area that your mushrooms are growing. With two for $20, Applebees has you covered! The rats have a strong smell, and the scent of jeyes fluid is not appealing to rats. Cultivating the soil regularly throughout this period will cut any growing fungus off from food sources and reduce its chances . it recommends 1 tbsp to 4 or 5 litres of water. . Winnie the Pooh. It killed all the moss no problems. But however, where I am may be lost., On some surfaces rusty brown patches may appear, however this is a normal reaction and the patches will disappear within a short time. JEYES FLUID is ideal for disinfecting cattle stalls and piggeries because it effectively kills bacteria and pathogens in the farm environment. I do hope someone knows how to use for vine weevle. Then a friend who owns a pheasant farm came along with some dodgy looking stuff in a big sprayer and that worked well for a while. A solution of vinegar, salt and dish soap can be a cheap and effective tool against weeds. Please help. Mind, that very much depends upon the size of your garden. Are there any other traditional uses of Jeyes Fluid that I haven't discovered? Can I use it to keep my dogs fro digging on specific spots in my lawn? Stronger vinegar with up to 20 % acetic acid, also known as horticultural vinegar, is available, too. Can Jeyes Fluid Kill Cats. Thanks everyone, I know that strong solution of jays in small amounts across my garden wall stops the cats and where dogs are marking. as for grass rather use a specific weedkiller . If you have a brand-new patio or one that is made of tarmac, you probably dont want to risk ruining it with chemicals. If the moss is growing over your soil, you may want to explore whether theres an underlying cause. When Nelson announced her exit, in December 2020, her fellow bandmates showed their support, releasing a statement that said, "This is an incredibly sad time for all of us but we are fully supportive of Jesy.". It says it is toxic to aquatic organisms but mentions nothing else, perhaps because it is not sold for anything but cleaning purposes. I used two tablespoons of bleach for every 3 gallons of water in our case. The ratios are 40ml of Jeyes to 5ltrs of water. ITS NASTY STUFF AND IS CARCINOGENIC. Will Jeyes Fluid kill moss & prevent it coming back? The company produced a leaflet about how to use Jeyes and I wish I still had it. my lawn has wild garlic in it - will jayes fluid kill the garlic? Jeyes Fluid is good to get rid of germs in the drains and to spray around the exterior of your house to stop crawling insects to come into the house and may kill ticks and fleas on the lawn if you spray your yard with it. In such a case, your best bet is to patch-test your Jeyes solution on a small inconspicuous section of your patio first. Recently I found my new garden infested with New Zealand flatworm (earth worm killers)so in a small area where I was finding them regularly I sprayed with Jeyes fluid. Ps we do use it on plants and to clean pot and trays as well! Check the package to ensure you are using sodium chloride, not magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts), rock salt, or sea salt. Also, when should I eat chafer grubs on my lawn? Saturate the path, cracks, and boundary lines where you want moss to grow back and kill it. But for goodness sake don't dip / wash any animal in it. Salt: Dilute 125 millilitres of Jeyes fluid with 5 liters of water in a significant watering and then use it sufficiently to wet the affected areas. In the end I found that painstakingly pulling them up was the best method. Jeyes fluid will kill moss on the tarmac.You will need to dilute it first before applying it to the affected area of the tarmac. There are products on sale to the general public which claim to keep paths and driveways clear - have you tried one of those? It usually takes around a day for the moss to die, after which point you can scrub at it or use a rake to remove it. I have a beautiful collection of David Austin roses, But fed up of the ugly blackspot. I still use as a wash for brassica plants before planting out and as a drench along the planting row. There are plenty of alternative ways that you can go about killing moss sans Jeyes Fluid. You have to overlay the scent with something stronger. Do you know anyone connected with railway track maintenance? I keep reading that the original is not available now and also Jeyes will be discontinued by November 2016 here in the uk. Tried lots of weedkillers that you can get from DIY stores etc but nothing really worked for long. I wouldn't use it on soil - far too harmful to beneficial organisms - but here's the information I guess they won't be as effective as Jeyes, but should do the job. Whilst some love it for its convenience and reliable results, many find the solution to be much too strong and too much of a subsequent risk to the environment and ones own health. Such weather threatens to comprise your ability to be accurate. Armillotox is one such product that is popular with gardeners as it has pesticide properties that got it into trouble with the EU for a period, but it is now sold as a cleaner, rather than a pesticide. In short, salt is an effective non-toxic herbicide. Jeyes fluid has a pleasant fragrance because it includes the chemical limonene, a citrus oil. No, jeyes fluid does not kill rats. As cybervet said that one can get Frontline or . For longer-lasting removal,